What Crystals Can Go In Water? Guide to Water-Safe Crystals!

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Decipher the Mohs Hardness Scale to determine which crystals can go in water i.e. water-safe crystals. Choose from Quartz, Amethyst and Rose Quartz for emotional balance & positive energy. Avoid -ite crystals in water. Cleanse with smudging or sunlight/moonlight.

Crystals, those beautiful stones from the earth, not only add a touch of mystique to your decor, but also carry powerful energy that can influence our mood, health, and spiritual awareness. But did you know that their power can be magnified when combined with the life-giving essence of water? That’s right, some crystals and water are a match made in heaven, but it’s important to know which ones. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey to find out what crystals can go in water!

Deciphering Mohs Hardness Scale for Crystal Safety in Water

Illustration of Mohs hardness scale
Illustration of Mohs hardness scale

The Mohs hardness scale is a significant tool to identify crystals safe for water use. It measures the hardness and scratch resistance of minerals, ranging from 1 to 10. The softer the material, the lower the number. For instance, talc, a very soft mineral, has a Mohs scale rating of 1, while diamond, the hardest natural substance, scores a perfect 10.

Generally, crystals with a Mohs hardness rating of 6 or higher are considered safe for water use. These crystals are not seen as soft crystals and are less likely to dissolve or release toxins when submerged. However, it’s not just about hardness. The crystal’s composition also matters. Crystals that contain iron ore or copper, such as Pyrite and Hematite, should be avoided when water cleansing, as they can introduce hazardous toxins into the water.

Essential Guide to Water-Safe Crystals

Photo of assorted water-safe crystals
Photo of assorted water-safe crystals

Understanding which crystals are water-safe is necessary for maintaining the elixir’s strength and ensuring our safety. Quartz crystals, including clear quartz and amethyst, are among the safe options. They are suitable for use in a crystal water bottle and can be used to create gem elixirs.

With their unique properties, they can amplify positive feminine energy and bring emotional balance.

Rose Quartz: The Heart Chakra’s Companion

Rose Quartz, one of the precious stones known for its captivating pink hue, belongs to the quartz family and is safe for water use. But it’s not just about its physical beauty. It carries a loving energy that is believed to attract love and compassion, making it an excellent companion for the heart chakra.

The power of this crystal extends beyond attracting love. It is also said to heal emotional wounds and promote self-love. So, if you’re trying to heal emotional wounds or simply want to shower yourself with some self-love, Rose Quartz is the crystal for you.

Clear Quartz: Amplifying Positive Energy

Clear Quartz, often referred to as the “master healer,” is a versatile and popular crystal with an ability to intensify the energy of other crystals. It has a strong capacity to draw in positive energy into one’s life and can be beneficial for focus.

This crystal’s energy-amplifying capacity is such that it can absorb light and transform it into energy, thereby enhancing the positive energy in any given area. With a Mohs hardness scale rating of 7, Clear Quartz is safe for use in water.

Smoky Quartz: Grounding Negative Energies

Smoky Quartz, a protective and grounding crystal, is highly valued for its metaphysical properties. Its Mohs hardness scale rating of 7 means it’s safe to use in water.

This crystal is renowned for its ability to:

  • Ground and calm energy, which can be used to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Detoxify the body
  • Attract positive thoughts
  • Aid in overcoming addiction

For optimal results, Smoky Quartz should be cleansed in spring water and carefully dried with a cloth.

The Risks of Water Unsafe Crystals

While we’ve extolled the magic that occurs when specific crystals interact with water, we must remember that crystals vary in their properties. Some crystals are not suited for water use and can pose serious risks. Prolonged exposure of certain crystals to water can cause irreversible damage to their physical and spiritual properties. Additionally, using the wrong crystals in water may lead to negative health impacts.

The risks do not stop at physical damage. The gemstone may be subject to damage from water, and the natural stone elixir from these toxic crystals could pose a serious threat to one’s health and safety. To prevent potential harm or toxicity, crystals ending in -ite, such as:

  • Malachite
  • Pyrite
  • Halite
  • Azurite
  • Rhodochrosite

should not be submerged in water for extended periods of time.

Crafting Your Own Crystal Elixir

Illustration of crafting crystal elixir
Illustration of crafting crystal elixir

Creating a crystal elixir can be a fulfilling and invigorating experience. Infusing water with crystal energy allows you to access their healing properties, creating a potent elixir for holistic wellbeing. However, it’s important to use crystals safe for water use to avoid potential harm or toxicity.

To craft a crystal elixir, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a crystal that resonates with your intention or needs.
  2. Cleanse and energize the crystal.
  3. Place the crystal in a sealed jar or glass container.
  4. Fill the container with water.
  5. Allow the crystal to infuse the water for a few hours or overnight.

Utilize the crystal elixir as desired.

How to Cleanse Crystals Without Water?

Illustration of alternative crystal cleansing methods
Illustration of alternative crystal cleansing methods

Although water is an effective cleansing agent, it may not be suitable for all crystals. Certain crystals should avoid water immersion and require different cleansing techniques. Smudging, utilizing sound, or exposing them to sunlight or moonlight are all viable options.

Cleansing crystals is essential for eliminating any negative energy that may have been taken in by the crystal. The process can be as simple as placing the crystal in a bowl of salt water or smudging it with sage or other herbs. Charging crystals is also important to replenish their energy and optimize their performance. This can be accomplished by placing the crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.

Harmonizing Your Home with Crystal Water

Are you aware that crystal-infused water can uplift your home’s energy? This practice can foster a more balanced and harmonious atmosphere in your living space. From rinsing crystals under cool running water to clear away any negative energy, to incorporating these cleansed crystals into your home, the possibilities are endless.

Incorporating crystal-infused water into your home can offer several potential benefits. It may help to:

  • Support connective tissue in joints and blood vessels
  • Promote hydration
  • Increase vitality and energy
  • Aid in emotional balance

Amethyst and Black Tourmaline are known to be highly efficient in harmonizing the energy of the home with water.

Healing Hydration: The Benefits of Gem Water

Gem water, infused with crystal energy, is believed to offer physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Consuming gem water may support:

  • Connective tissue in joints and blood vessels
  • Hydration
  • Vitality and energy
  • Emotional balance

Gem water can provide the following benefits:

  • Energy healing
  • Stress relief
  • Emotional healing
  • Positive vibes to support emotional well-being
  • Promotion of spiritual growth
  • Creation of positive energy
  • Reduction of stress
  • Improvement of focus and creativity

Additionally, it can help to cleanse negative emotions and release stagnant energy, allowing for a more profound connection to the spiritual self.

Salt water shares a distinctive relationship with crystals. Despite its strong cleansing ability, it may damage certain crystals. Exposure to salt water can cause certain crystals to dissolve or become more fragile, thus potentially resulting in cracks and breaks. This is especially true for those sensitive to rock salt.

However, not all is lost. Crystals can be cleansed in a safe manner with the use of salt water. This is an effective method for ensuring the cleanliness of crystals. Some crystals that can be cleansed with salt water include:

  • Selenite
  • Carnelian
  • Amethyst
  • Rose Quartz
  • Fluorite
  • Amber
  • Tahitian Black Pearls
  • Pink Chalcedony
  • Citrine
  • Quartz

But remember, always flush away the salt water after use and do not reuse it.

Caring for Your Crystal Collection

Owning a crystal collection is a delightful way to invite earth energy into your home. However, similar to other precious items, crystals need appropriate care and upkeep. Storing crystals properly can help maintain their condition and prevent damage. It is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat or moisture.

Cleansing and charging crystals are also important aspects of crystal care. Cleansing helps to eliminate any negative energy that may have been taken in by the crystal, while charging replenishes their energy and optimizes their performance. This can be accomplished by placing the crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.


We’ve taken an exciting journey through the world of crystals and water. From understanding the Mohs hardness scale to deciphering which crystals are water-safe, we’ve explored how to craft our own crystal elixir, harmonize our homes with crystal-infused water, cleanse crystals without water, and even navigate the complex relationship between salt water and crystals. The world of crystals offers an infinite realm of possibilities. So, next time you reach for a crystal, remember to consider its relationship with water and harness its energy safely.

Frequently Asked Questions About Crystals In Water

What happens when crystals go in water?

Crystals can rust, dissolve, crack or crumble when exposed to water, and some can even release toxins. It is important to check the chemical composition of a crystal before exposing it to water, as some crystals such as Pyrite should never get wet.

What crystals should not be together?

Selenite, salt, and sulfur should not be kept together as they can create an unsafe reaction that can damage the crystals.

What is the Mohs hardness scale?

The Mohs hardness scale is a numerical scale ranging from 1 to 10, used to measure the hardness and scratch resistance of minerals.

What is a crystal elixir?

Crystal elixirs are created by infusing water with the energetic properties of crystals, allowing users to benefit from their healing properties.

Can crystals be cleansed without water?

Yes, crystals can be cleansed without water using methods such as smudging, utilizing sound, or exposing them to sunlight or moonlight.