Can Hematite Go in Water? Essential Tips to Care for Your Stone

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

No, hematite should not be put in water as it can cause rusting and structural damage to the stone.

Hematite, a powerful and intriguing crystal, is cherished for its unique grounding and stabilizing properties in the world of crystal healing. As a hematite enthusiast, you understand the importance of proper care to preserve its energy and appearance. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the secrets to maintaining your hematite’s vibrancy while avoiding common pitfalls, such as “can hematite go in water” and other concerns. Let’s embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of this fascinating gemstone.

Key Takeaways

  • Hematite is not recommended to be exposed to water, saltwater or direct sunlight due to its low ranking on the Mohs Hardness Scale.
  • Alternative cleansing methods such as selenite, sound and smoke should be used instead of tap water for cleaning hematite.
  • Hematite has protective and grounding properties that can help with mental clarity, circulation and intuition when charged correctly using moonlight or visualization techniques.

Is Hematite Water Safe?

Hematite stones on a dry surface
Hematite stones on a dry surface

No, Hematite is not water safe. Submerging hematite in water can lead to rusting and damage.

Hematite, unlike some other minerals, is not well-suited for submersion in water or exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods. Its iron oxide composition and low ranking on the Mohs Hardness Scale make it susceptible to damage, rusting, and structural deterioration.

The upcoming sections will provide a detailed analysis of various situations and types of water to help keep your hematite at its prime.

Can Hematite Go In Salt Water?

No, hematite should not be submerged in salt water. Salt water poses a significant threat to hematite due to its potential to cause rusting and damage. While some precious stones can safely be submerged in water, hematite’s chemical composition makes it particularly vulnerable. Its iron oxide content reacts with salt water, accelerating the rusting process and causing the stone to become brittle and dull. As a result, keeping hematite away from salt water during cleansing or handling is necessary.

Can Hematite Go In Tap Water?

No, hematite should not be put in tap water. Brief exposure to tap water for cleaning purposes may be permissible but extended periods of immersion can still result in rusting and damage to the stone.

To maintain your hematite’s integrity, opt for alternative methods to cleanse crystals such as selenite, sound, or smoke cleansing.

Can Hematite Go In the Sun?

No, Hematite should not go in the sun. Though hematite can withstand exposure to sunlight for a few hours, it’s wise to limit its exposure to avoid any potential damage or discoloration. Contrary to some beliefs, prolonged sunlight exposure does not have a detrimental effect on hematite’s properties. In fact, sunlight can aid in recharging and replenishing the stone’s energy.

Nonetheless, it is advisable to be careful and control the length of exposure to keep your hematite in top condition.

Can Hematite Go In Salt?

Yes, Hematite can go in salt. While submerging hematite in salt water is ill-advised, using dry salt can be a safe and effective method for cleansing the stone. The dry salt method enables you to remove negative energy from hematite without direct contact with salt, which could potentially damage the stone.

Choosing dry salt allows you to preserve your hematite’s energy and appearance while preventing harmful reactions with saltwater.

Why Hematite and Water Don’t Mix

Illustration of the chemical composition of hematite
Illustration of the chemical composition of hematite

The primary reasons hematite and water don’t mix are its iron oxide composition and low ranking on the Mohs Hardness Scale. When hematite comes into contact with water, its iron oxide compound reacts, resulting in rusting and structural damage to the stone.

The upcoming sections will delve into these factors in greater detail to clarify why water exposure should be circumvented.

Iron Oxide Compound

Hematite’s iron oxide compound is the primary culprit behind its propensity to rust when exposed to water. Rusting occurs due to a chemical reaction known as oxidation, which requires the presence of water and oxygen. This electrochemical process involves the transfer of electrons from iron atoms to oxygen atoms, forming a new compound and causing the stone to become brittle and dull.

Mohs Hardness Scale

Hematite’s vulnerability to water damage is also influenced by its low ranking on the Mohs Hardness Scale. With a ranking of 5 to 6.5, hematite is considered relatively soft, making it susceptible to scratching and abrasion from water exposure.

Minerals with lower rankings on the Mohs Hardness Scale are more susceptible to deterioration or erosion due to their softer surface, which can easily be scratched or abraded by water. The softer the material, the more vulnerable it is to these processes.

How to Cleanse Hematite Safely?

A bowl of dry salt for cleansing crystals
A bowl of dry salt for cleansing crystals

Now that we understand the risks associated with water exposure, let’s explore safe cleansing methods for hematite. Proper cleansing is key to maintaining its energy and appearance.

The upcoming sections will outline diverse methods to cleanse hematite without inflicting damage.

Prepare Your Cleansing Space

Creating a clean and organized space is essential for the effective cleansing of hematite. A tidy environment enhances focus, reduces distractions, and facilitates the proper use of cleansing tools and materials. Essential items for preparing a cleansing space include a bowl or container of sea salt or Himalayan salt, incense and holy water (optional), and a soft cloth and mild soap for physical cleaning (optional).

Ensure that your space is energetically clean by placing the hematite on top of a selenite slab or in a selenite bowl for a few hours or utilizing smudging by passing the hematite through the smoke of cleansing herbs such as sage or Palo Santo.

Use the Dry Salt Method

The dry salt method is an excellent option for cleansing hematite without causing damage. This method involves burying the stone in a container filled with dry sea salt or Himalayan salt. Utilizing dry salt allows you to cleanse hematite without making direct contact with salt, which might damage the stone.

Keep in mind, depending on your preference, hematite may need to remain in salt for several hours, overnight, or multiple days.

Perform Smoke Cleansing with Sage or Palo Santo

Smoke cleansing with sage or Palo Santo is another effective method for removing negative energy from hematite. This process involves passing the stone through the smoke of the burning herbs, which is believed to purify and cleanse the stone’s energy. The advantages of smoke cleansing with sage or Palo Santo include cleansing negative energy, purifying the atmosphere, enhancing mood, and raising frequency, as well as infusing the stone with healing and beneficial energy.

To perform smoke cleansing, ignite the tip of a smudge stick or incense and pass the hematite through the smoke, ensuring that it is thoroughly cleansed.

Store Hematite in a Clean, Secure Place

Proper storage is vital to maintain the energy and appearance of your hematite. Store hematite in a clean and secure location to ensure its grounding and stabilizing properties remain intact. Storage boxes or containers provide a suitable environment for maintaining hematite and protecting it from potential damage.

Proper storage of your hematite allows for an extended lifespan and preservation of its beneficial properties.

How to Charge Hematite?

Hematite under the light of the full moon
Hematite under the light of the full moon

Charging hematite enhances its energy and healing properties, allowing you to fully harness its potential. The upcoming sections will outline a variety of methods to charge hematite, allowing you to fully utilize this potent gemstone.

Set a Clear Intention

Setting a clear intention is crucial for enhancing the energy of your hematite. By focusing your thoughts and emotions on a specific goal or outcome, you align your energy with the stone’s properties, amplifying its ability to assist you in manifesting your desires.

While setting an intention for your hematite, grasp the crystal, close your eyes, and envision your goal clearly. This process helps to harmonize your energy with the stone, maximizing its effectiveness in aiding your intentions and goals.

Charge with Moonlight

Charging hematite with moonlight is a safe and effective method for enhancing its energy. Moonlight activates the healing properties of hematite and transmits positive energy to the crystal. To charge your hematite with moonlight, simply place the stone or jewelry on a windowsill or outside where it can absorb the moon’s energy.

It is recommended that hematite be left under the moonlight for a minimum of four hours in order to charge it with moon water.

Place Hematite on a Crystal Cluster or Geode (optional)

Another optional method for charging hematite is to place it on a crystal cluster or geode. This technique amplifies the energy of the hematite by capitalizing on the grounding and balancing properties of the stone.

To charge your hematite using this method, simply place it on top of the rose quartz crystals cluster or tangerine quartz geode and allow it to absorb the energy from the crystals.

Incorporate Visualization Techniques

Visualization is a powerful tool for charging hematite and programming it with your intentions. By focusing on the desired outcome and visualizing it while holding the hematite, you can enhance its energy and align it with your goals. To incorporate visualization into your hematite charging practice, follow these steps:

  1. Find a comfortable position.
  2. Take deep breaths to relax your mind and body.
  3. Picture energy entering the crystal, visualizing your desired outcome.
  4. Hold the hematite and continue to focus on your visualization.

Linking the physical and spiritual domains via visualization amplifies the efficacy of your hematite.

Identifying Genuine Hematite

Close-up of genuine hematite showing its luster and color
Close-up of genuine hematite showing its luster and color

To ensure you are working with genuine hematite, it’s important to check certain properties such as:

  • Specific gravity: Genuine hematite has a specific gravity of 5.05
  • Color: It is typically found in black, dark gray, silver-gray, or red hues
  • Luster: Genuine hematite has a metallic or submetallic luster
  • Weight: Genuine hematite stones have a weight consistent with their density
  • Magnetic properties: Genuine hematite stones are non-magnetic

By checking these properties, you can ensure that you are working with genuine hematite.

Verifying these characteristics allows you to confidently recognize authentic hematite and reap the benefits of its extraordinary healing properties.

Hematite’s Healing Properties and Uses

The hematite gemstone, also known as hematite stone, is renowned for its grounding, balancing, and protective properties, making it an invaluable addition to any crystal collection. It is believed to stimulate circulation, alleviate anxiety, improve mental clarity, and provide grounding energy. Hematite is also associated with balancing and opening the Root chakra, as well as augmenting intuition.

Comprehending its healing properties and integrating hematite into your routine enables you to utilize its complete potential for enhancing safety, stability, and well-being.


In conclusion, proper care and maintenance of hematite are essential for preserving its energy and appearance. By avoiding water exposure, using safe cleansing methods, and charging it with intention, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful gemstone. Embrace the grounding and balancing properties of hematite and enhance your crystal healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hematite In Water

Can you shower with hematite?

It is not recommended to shower with Hematite, as chlorine and salt water can damage it. Magnetic Hematite Products should be removed before bathing or washing hands. Do not put them in jewelry cleaner machines.

Does hematite break in water?

Hematite is prone to rusting and fracturing when exposed to water, air or contact with skin, ultimately leading to it breaking.

What not to do with hematite?

Do not scratch or use ammonia or ultrasonic cleaning machines on hematite as it is susceptible to external damage. Clean hematite jewelry, such as rings, with only mild soap and water.

Can you swim with a hematite ring?

Exposure to water will damage your hematite ring as it contains iron, so it is not advisable to swim with a hematite ring. Other methods of wearing it are safe.

How can I safely cleanse my hematite?

To safely cleanse your hematite, you can use the dry salt method, smoke cleansing with sage or Palo Santo, or simply store it in a clean, secure place.