Can Pyrite Go in Water? Dos and Don’ts for Your Fool’s Gold

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

No, Pyrite should not go in water due to its iron content which can lead to rusting and the production of sulfuric acid. Safe cleansing methods include smudging with sage, salt-based techniques, and earth connection rituals. Regular cleansing and charging is necessary for pyrite’s healing properties to be utilized effectively.

Pyrite, often called “fool’s gold,” has captivated the imagination of people throughout history. Its glittering golden hue and metallic luster have been mistaken for gold, but this alluring mineral holds its beauty and powers. Proper care and maintenance of pyrite are essential to preserve its healing properties and appearance. In this blog post, we will explore the dos and don’ts of pyrite care, including the question “can pyrite go in water?” as well as discussing cleansing methods, charging techniques, and the many healing properties this unique crystal holds.

Is Pyrite Water Safe?

Pyrite crystals and water
Pyrite crystals and water

No, Iron pyrite is not water safe. Iron pyrite, also known as fool’s gold, should not be placed in water due to its iron sulfide composition, which can cause rusting and sulfuric acid production. Interestingly, pyrite creates sparks when struck against a hard surface, but this property is unrelated to its reaction with water, making it essential to keep pyrite wet-free.

We will address the safety of pyrite in different types of water and environments.

Can Pyrite Go In Salt Water?

No, placing pyrite in saltwater is not recommended as it can cause rusting and damage the crystal. Pyrite reacts with oxygen when submerged in salt water, leading to the production of sulfuric acid. This reaction can lead to the formation of iron oxides, which can damage the crystal.

Chloride ions in salt water contribute to the dissolution and subsequent oxidation and degradation of pyrite. Wearing pyrite as jewelry rather than immersing it in water helps prevent these problems.

Can Pyrite Go In Tap Water?

No, Tap water can also damage pyrite due to its iron content, so it’s best to avoid using it for cleansing purposes. The damage caused by iron content in tap water to pyrite is due to the leaching of sulfur from the pyrite, which results in the breakdown of the pyrite into iron oxide. The iron in pyrite can rust when exposed to water and oxygen, further deteriorating the pyrite.

These reactions can impact the dense earth energies pyrite is recognized for, as well as its position on the mohs hardness scale.

Can Pyrite Go In the Sun?

No, Pyrite should not be exposed to sunlight as it overstimulates the stone and causes burnout damaging the stone.

Sunlight exposure can subject pyrite to UV light-induced weathering processes. This can result in the disintegration of pyrite and the emission of sulfuric acid, which can be damaging.

Furthermore, sunlight exposure can slightly increase the pyrite’s internal temperature. It is advisable to utilize other methods for charging, such as smudging with sage, salt-based techniques, or earth connection.

Can Pyrite Go In Salt?

Yes, Pyrite can be safely cleansed using salt, as it aids in the absorption of negative energy without causing any harm to the crystal. In order to cleanse Pyrite using salt, one can combine salt with water and submerge the Pyrite therein overnight. Alternatively, submerging the Pyrite beneath some sea salt for a few hours is also viable.

All types of salt may be utilized for cleansing Pyrite, such as sea salt, cooking salt, and Himalayan salt.

Why Pyrite Shouldn’t Go in Water

Rust formation on pyrite
Rust formation on pyrite

We will explain why immersing pyrite in water is not recommended, focusing on the aspects of its composition, rusting process, and sulfuric acid production. Pyrite’s iron sulfide content can interact with water to generate sulfuric acid, which can be detrimental to the crystal and its environment.

Exposure to water and oxygen leads to the oxidation and subsequent rusting of the iron in pyrite. This also causes the sulfur in the pyrite to transform into sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid production can be detrimental to the crystal and its environment. Therefore, it is inadvisable to place Pyrite in water due to its iron content, which can lead to rusting and damage to the crystal.

Iron Sulfide Composition

The iron sulfide composition of pyrite makes it susceptible to water-induced damage. When pyrite comes into contact with water, a process called oxidation transpires. This process involves the reaction of pyrite with oxygen and water, resulting in the formation of iron oxide and sulfuric acid.

The sulfuric acid then interacts with the remaining pyrite, causing it to further deteriorate and release more acid. This cyclic process of oxidation and acid formation weakens the pyrite structure, making it prone to disintegration when exposed to water.

Rust Formation

Contact with water can lead to the formation of rust on pyrite, causing it to lose its luster and possibly crack. Water interaction triggers the oxidation process of the iron sites on the pyrite surface by the water’s oxygen. Consequently, O2- and O2- species are formed, which then react with adsorbed water molecules. This reaction can lead to the formation of rust and the eventual deterioration of the pyrite structure.

Sulfuric Acid Production

Pyrite’s sulfide content can react with water to produce sulfuric acid, which is harmful to the crystal and its surroundings. When pyrite’s sulfide content is exposed to water and oxygen, it can create sulfuric acid. The precise reaction mechanism may involve the oxidation of sulfur on the surface of pyrite in the presence of water and oxygen.

The production of sulfuric acid from sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, can have a detrimental impact on the surrounding environment, leading to issues like acid mine drainage, acidic groundwater, and the corrosion of construction materials.

How to Cleanse Pyrite Safely?

Smudging with sage for cleansing pyrite
Smudging with sage for cleansing pyrite

Adopting safe pyrite cleansing methods is imperative to maintain its healing properties and aesthetic appeal. We will provide safe techniques for cleansing pyrite, including sage smudging, salt-based methods, and earth connection.

Smudging with Sage

Smudging pyrite with sage is a safe and effective way to cleanse the crystal of negative energy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Light your preferred smudge stick.
  2. Pass the pyrite through the smoke.
  3. Envision the energy being liberated from the crystal and reverting to its source with pure love.

Any type of sage can be employed for smudging Pyrite.

Salt-Based Techniques

Salt-based methods like burying the crystal in sea salt or housing it in a salt-filled container can effectively cleanse pyrite without causing harm. To cleanse pyrite crystal using sea salt, simply place the crystal near a bowl of sea salt, allowing it to absorb any negative energy slowly but surely. However, it is advised that Pyrite should not be submerged in sea salt for more than a few hours, as this may have an adverse effect on its metallic luster.

Earth Connection

Connecting pyrite with the earth can help cleanse the crystal of negative energy. Here’s how to perform an earth connection cleansing:

  1. Place the pyrite directly on the ground or bury it in dry soil.
  2. Leave the pyrite in contact with the earth for at least 24 hours.
  3. Alternatively, you can place the pyrite beneath a bed of brown rice for an entire night to absorb any residual negative energy or debris.

Another method is to connect it to the earth element by placing it near a yellow or orange candle and requesting the clearing of past energy.

How to Charge Pyrite Crystal?

Charging pyrite under moonlight
Charging pyrite under moonlight

We will cover various methods for charging pyrite crystals, including moonlight energy, crystal combinations, and sound healing.

Moonlight Energy

Exposing pyrite to moonlight is an effective, non-damaging way to cleanse and charge the crystal. To charge pyrite using moonlight energy, simply place the crystal outside under the light of the full moon. This gentle and effective method allows the pyrite to absorb the moon’s energy.

Crystal Combinations

Pairing pyrite with other crystals like black tourmaline or hematite can enhance its healing properties and charge the mineral. When pyrite is combined with other crystals, it is said to amplify its power and bring advantages such as good luck, creativity, and stimulation of the sacral and root chakras.

Sound Healing

Employing sound healing tools such as tuning forks is another effective way to charge pyrite crystals. The bowl should be gently struck near the crystals to cleanse and charge them with the vibrations.

Tuning forks, singing bowls, gongs, drums, and harmonicas are some of the tools or instruments employed in sound healing for pyrite.

Proper Care and Maintenance of Pyrite

Proper storage of pyrite
Proper storage of pyrite

Proper care and preservation of pyrite are crucial for maintaining its healing properties and visual appeal. We will cover the precautions for handling, recommendations for storage, and the significance of regular cleansing and charging.

Handling Precautions

Handle pyrite with care to avoid damaging the crystal and always dry it thoroughly if it comes into contact with moisture. When handling pyrite, it is recommended to use appropriate protective gloves and clothing to prevent skin exposure. Additionally, it is imperative to practice good personal hygiene and avoid inhaling dust.

Storage Recommendations

Keep pyrite in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight to avoid overstimulation and potential damage. To ensure optimal preservation, pyrite crystals should be kept in a dry environment and away from high humidity. Furthermore, washing should be avoided, and they should be completely dried before storage.

Wooden boxes should be kiln-dried to prevent decay.

Regular Cleansing and Charging

Maintain the healing properties of pyrite, one of the powerful healing crystals, and keep it devoid of negative energy by regular cleansing and charging.

It is essential to cleanse and charge Pyrite regularly, as it can absorb the energy of its environment and become filled with negative energy. Doing so will bring out its healing properties.

Pyrite’s Healing Properties and Uses

Pyrite is recognized for its various healing properties and uses, encompassing emotional and mental benefits, physical advantages, and chakra associations.

Emotional and Mental Benefits

Pyrite can help boost confidence, creativity, and leadership qualities, making it a powerful tool for emotional and mental well-being. Wearing pyrite jewelry or using it for home or office decor can stimulate passion and facilitate the process of manifestation.

It is associated with purity, creativity, and genuineness.

Physical Benefits

Pyrite is reputed to enhance physical immunity and stamina while promoting holistic health and vitality. Pyrite is known to be highly beneficial for increasing stamina, combating infection, and guarding the immune and digestive systems.

Chakra Associations

Pyrite, associated with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras, aids in clearing blocked energies and fostering balance and harmony.

It assists in activating and energizing the root chakra and fosters inner strength.


In conclusion, proper care and maintenance of pyrite are essential to preserve its beauty and healing properties. By avoiding water exposure, cleansing and charging it regularly, and handling it with care, you can ensure that your pyrite crystal remains a powerful and invaluable companion on your spiritual journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pyrite In Water

What happens when pyrite touches water?

When pyrite comes into contact with water, the sulfur in the mineral can leach out and break down the Pyrite into iron oxide. This process can lead to acid mine drainage which can be highly toxic, containing metals such as copper or iron.

Can I wear pyrite while bathing?

It is recommended to remove pyrite while bathing, so you should not wear it during that time.

How can I safely cleanse my pyrite crystal?

Smudging with sage, salt-based techniques and earth connection are the safest ways to cleanse your pyrite crystal.

What are the healing properties of pyrite?

Pyrite is known to promote creativity, strength and leadership qualities, as well as improve overall well-being, making it a beneficial healing stone.

What chakras are associated with pyrite?

Pyrite is known to be linked with the solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras.