Can Lapis Lazuli Go In Water? Best Practices for Gemstone Care

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

No, Lapis Lazuli is not recommended to be immersed in water due to its potential for damage and risk of releasing toxic compounds. Alternative cleaning methods such as smudging, using a tuning fork, or placing it on a quartz cluster should be used instead of exposing the stone to water. Consumption of lapis lazuli infused water poses serious health risks and should be avoided.

Lapis Lazuli, a gem of celestial blue, often holds a fascination for those who appreciate its deep, captivating hue and its unique composition. But have you ever wondered, can lapis lazuli go in water? Well, let’s dive into the world of lapis lazuli, where we will explore its interaction with water and the best practices for its care.

Is Lapis Lazuli Water Safe?

No, Lapis Lazuli is not water safe due to its potential for damage and risk of releasing toxic compounds.

Lapis Lazuli gemstone

The vivid blue lapis lazuli stone, often referred to as a blue gemstone, with its golden specks of pyrite, certainly has an ethereal charm. However, reconsider the idea of immersing this valuable gem in water. Although lazuli go in water, it’s not recommended due to its potential for damage and the risk of releasing toxic compounds.

Therefore, if your lapis lazuli crystal requires cleaning, opt for a soft cloth over water immersion.

Can Lapis Lazuli Go In Salt Water?

No, Lapis Lazuli should not be placed in salt water as it can damage the stone.

While the idea of a lapis lazuli stone sparkling in a jar of saltwater might seem appealing, it’s not the best idea. Lapis lazuli and saltwater are not a good mix. The stone can become porous, lose its mass, and undergo color changes when exposed to saltwater. The detrimental reaction of lapis lazuli to saltwater is attributed to minerals such as calcite and pyrite present in the stone.

Prolonged exposure to saltwater can lead to changes in the stone’s color, causing it to fade, dull, and lose its beautiful appearance. Thus, despite the temptation, resist placing your lapis lazuli in saltwater. After all, you wouldn’t want to risk losing the beautiful blue hue and golden specks that make your lapis lazuli so unique, would you?

Can Lapis Lazuli Go In Tap Water?

Yes, Lapis Lazuli can go in tap water, but it should be dried immediately to avoid damage.

There’s no denying that our lapis lazuli gem can get a little dirty from time to time. Even the most cared-for stones need a good clean now and then. But can you just rinse it under tap water? Yes, but with caution. Lapis Lazuli should be dried immediately after placing in tap water to avoid damage.

Yet, be mindful that the chloride in tap water can react with the gemstone, producing hazardous toxins. Hence, while tap water can be used to rinse a dirty lapis lazuli stone, it’s crucial to limit its exposure and to dry it promptly to avoid damage to the stone’s calcite content.

Can Lapis Lazuli Go In the Sun?

No, Lapis Lazuli should not be placed under direct sunlight as it can cause the stone’s color to fade and lose its smooth texture.

While it’s true that a little sunlight can illuminate the beauty of many gemstones, when it comes to lapis lazuli, it’s best to keep it in the shade. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the intense blue color of lapis lazuli to become dull and lose its smooth texture. In fact, the stone may even crack due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Ultraviolet radiation can affect lapis lazuli’s physical properties, such as causing it to fade or lose its brilliance over time. However, it does not influence its metaphysical properties. So, while you can place your lapis lazuli in the sun, remember that some treated stones may be damaged. Hence, it is recommended to shield your lapis lazuli from direct sunlight to preserve its color and texture.

Can Lapis Lazuli Go In Salt?

No, Lapis Lazuli should not be placed in salt due to potential damage to the stone.

Just as saltwater isn’t recommended for lapis lazuli, placing this stone in salt isn’t a good idea either. Sodium from salt can enter into a reaction with the compounds in stone. This can cause the stone to become more porous, lose mass and even experience a shift in color..

Prolonged exposure to salt can cause changes to the appearance and stability of lapis lazuli, including color changes, fading, and a coarse texture. To maintain your lapis lazuli’s pristine condition, avoid exposing it to salt.

Understanding Lapis Lazuli’s Reaction to Water

Chemical reaction of lapis lazuli with water
Chemical reaction of lapis lazuli with water

The reaction of lapis lazuli to water is due to its inclusions of calcite and pyrite. These minerals can dissolve and release toxic chemicals when exposed to moisture. Imagine placing a sugar cube into a cup of hot tea. Just as the sugar cube dissolves, so too can the minerals in lapis lazuli when it comes into contact with water.

This might lead you to wonder why you should avoid exposing this precious gem to water. The reason is the possible harm and toxicity that might arise when these minerals interact with water. The chemical reaction that occurs can lead to the release of hazardous chemicals, making it unsafe to drink or bathe in water that has been in contact with lapis lazuli.

The Mohs Scale and Lapis Lazuli

The Mohs hardness scale, named after its creator, Friedrich Mohs, is a measure of a mineral’s hardness. The scale ranges from 1, representing the softest minerals, to 10, representing the hardest minerals. Lapis lazuli, with its intense celestial blue hue, falls somewhere around 5-5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. This means it is susceptible to scratches and damage from water exposure.

While the Mohs scale value of a mineral doesn’t directly correlate to its susceptibility to water damage, it does provide a good indicator of how well a mineral can withstand abrasion and scratches. Given this, lapis lazuli’s low rank on the Mohs scale signifies its increased vulnerability to damages, including those from water exposure.

How to Cleanse and Purify Lapis Lazuli Without Water?

Purification of lapis lazuli using smudging
Purification of lapis lazuli using smudging

Use the following methods for cleansing and purifying Lapis Lazuli without water.

  • Smudging: Pass your Lapis Lazuli through smoke from a smudge stick, such as Palo Santo, sage or rosemary. This helps to cleanse the stone of any negative energy.
  • Using a Tuning Fork: Lightly tap a tuning fork on the crystal, then circle it around the crystal in an anti-clockwise direction three times. This aids in the crystal’s energetic purification and charging
  • Placing it on a Quartz Cluster: Place your Lapis Lazuli on a quartz cluster to help cleanse and charge it.
  • Moonlight: Place the Lapis Lazuli under the gentle glow of moonlight during a full moon to cleanse and recharge it.

Think of the above methods as a spa treatment for your stone, helping to remove any negative energy and bring out its natural beauty.

Cleansing lapis lazuli with a tuning fork
Cleansing lapis lazuli with a tuning fork

Risks of Lapis Lazuli in Salt water and Other Liquids

Saltwater and other liquids can be risky for your lapis lazuli stone. Exposure to these liquids can cause mass loss, color alteration, and a weakening of its structure. The reaction is due to the stone’s mineral composition. The minerals, such as calcite and pyrite in lapis lazuli, react detrimentally with water.

Your lapis lazuli stone can also be negatively impacted by acidic and alkaline liquids. Thus, despite the allure of deeply soaking your lapis lazuli for cleansing, it is preferable to adhere to dry cleansing techniques to prevent potential harm.

Lapis Lazuli and Moon Water: A Delicate Balance

Moon water, often used to cleanse stones, is not ideal for lapis lazuli. Just like saltwater, moon water can cause irreparable damage to lapis lazuli, which is why it’s better to expose the stone directly to moonlight instead. The moon’s gentle glow can cleanse not just lapis lazuli, but many other stones as well, charging them with positive energy.

To cleanse your lapis lazuli using moonlight, follow these steps:

  1. Position it on a windowsill or outdoors under the night sky during a full moon.
  2. The moon’s energy will cleanse and recharge your stone, readying it for its next use.
  3. This method is not only safe for your stone but also adds a touch of celestial mystique to your cleansing routine.

How to Care for Lapis Lazuli Jewelry?

The below listed methods are useful to care for Lapis Lazuli Jewelry.

  • Clean your lapis lazuli jewelry with warm, soapy water.
  • Avoid using toothbrushes or chemical cleaners.
  • Dry your jewelry promptly after cleaning to prevent possible damage or skin irritation.
  • Avoid exposing your jewelry to water for prolonged periods.
  • Keep your jewelry away from high temperatures and harsh chemicals.
  • Regularly check your jewelry for any signs of damage or wear.

Caring for lapis lazuli jewelry requires a gentle touch and careful handling. It’s advisable to clean your lapis lazuli jewelry with warm, soapy water, taking care to avoid toothbrushes or chemical cleaners. To maintain the beauty of your clean lapis lazuli, remember that even the most well-made lapis lazuli jewelry is vulnerable to water exposure, high temperatures, and harsh chemicals.

It’s also important to remember that lapis lazuli can release hazardous toxins when exposed to water. Thus, promptly dry your jewelry after cleaning to prevent possible damage or skin irritation. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your lapis lazuli jewelry remains beautiful and safe to wear for years to come.

Drinking Water and Lapis Lazuli: Understanding the Dangers

Drinking lapis lazuli-infused water may sound like an exotic idea, but in reality, it is quite dangerous. This is due to the toxic compounds present in lapis lazuli, which could pose potential health risks. These include sulfur, which could be released when the stone comes into contact with water.

Potential health issues resulting from the consumption of lapis lazuli-infused water encompass skin irritation, bone weakening, and nervous system damage. There have even been reports of individuals becoming ill from consuming such water. So, while the idea of sipping on lapis lazuli-infused water may seem enticing, it’s best to enjoy this precious stone in a safer way.

How to Cleanse Lapis Lazuli?

If you’re wondering how to cleanse lapis lazuli without water, there are several methods available. One such method is smudging. This involves passing your lapis lazuli through smoke from a smudge stick, such as Palo Santo, sage, or rosemary, to cleanse it.

Another method is through the use of a tuning fork. By lightly hitting the tuning fork on the stone followed by swinging it around the lapis lazuli, you can energetically purify and energize the crystal.

Other methods include exposing it to moonlight or burying it in the ground. Each of these methods allows you to cleanse your lapis lazuli without the need for water, ensuring it stays beautiful and intact.

Lapis Lazuli’s Place in Your Bathing Experience

The idea of incorporating lapis lazuli into your bathing experience may seem appealing, especially given its potential benefits, such as promoting relaxation and reducing stress. However, it’s important to keep your lapis lazuli away from bathwater. This serves to prevent the possible release of toxins that can lead to skin irritation, bone weakening, and nervous system damage.

However, this doesn’t mean that lapis lazuli can’t play a part in your bathing routine. One way to safely incorporate it is to place it near your bathtub, out of direct contact with the water. This way, you can still enjoy the stone’s presence and potential benefits without risking any harm to your health.

Conclusion: Lapis Lazuli and Water Safety

Lapis lazuli and water safety

Lapis lazuli, also known as lapis stone, with its intense blue hue and golden specks of pyrite, is a truly mesmerizing mineral stone. However, its beauty and allure do not make it immune to damage. Although lapis lazuli can be placed in water, it is generally not advised due to the possible damage and toxicity that may result.

Instead, alternative cleaning methods such as smudging, using a tuning fork, or placing it on a quartz cluster are recommended. By using these methods, you can ensure that your lapis lazuli stays safe, clean, and as beautiful as ever. So the next time you’re thinking about giving your lapis lazuli a bath, remember these tips and keep it dry instead.


In summary, while lapis lazuli can technically go in water, the potential risks and damage outweigh the benefits. It’s best to use alternative cleansing methods, such as smudging or using a tuning fork, to keep your lapis lazuli clean and vibrant. Remember to keep it out of direct sunlight and away from harsh chemicals to maintain its beautiful appearance. By following these tips, you can ensure that your lapis lazuli remains a cherished gem for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lapis Lazuli In Water

Can you wear lapis lazuli in the shower?

It is not recommended to wear lapis lazuli jewelry in the shower, as frequent exposure to water and hot temperatures can cause irreparable damage.

Can you wash lapis lazuli?

You can safely wash lapis lazuli with warm, soapy water, making sure to avoid chemical contact. To preserve the color and luster of untreated lapis, a gemologist should be consulted before cleaning.

Can you wear lapis lazuli everyday?

It is possible to wear lapis lazuli everyday as jewelry such as a necklace, keeping its energy with you throughout the day.

How do you cleanse and charge lapis lazuli?

To cleanse and charge lapis lazuli, it is recommended to cleanse it under running water and charge it by the light of the moon. Additionally, it is important to keep lapis away from harsh chemicals to preserve its vibrant hue and powerful energies.

Is lapis lazuli safe to wear in the sun?

To ensure lapis lazuli retains its smooth texture and luster, it is best to avoid wearing it in direct sunlight.