Can Calcite Go in Water? The Essential Guide to Crystal Soaking

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

No, Calcite should not be submerged in water as it can dissolve and suffer damage over time. Submerging calcite in water can cause changes to its appearance or damage it over time, while saltwater poses a serious threat. Alternative methods such as sunlight, smoke and sound healing can be used to cleanse and charge the crystal without using water. Proper storage must also be taken into account for preservation.

Welcome to the enchanting realm of crystals, where beauty meets function, and nature’s wonders are at your fingertips! Today, we’re focusing on the illustrious calcite, a versatile gem with a host of uses and properties, including the frequently asked question: can calcite go in water? Ready to unlock the mysteries of calcite? Let’s embark on a journey of discovery!

Is Calcite Water Safe?

Blue calcite crystal submerged in water
Blue calcite crystal submerged in water

No, calcite is not water safe as it can dissolve when submerged, potentially damaging the crystal.

Water, the essence of life, is at the heart of our discussion. Calcite, like other crystals, interacts with water in unique ways. But is it safe for calcite? The answer is not straightforward. It depends on various factors, from the type of water to the exposure duration.

We will analyze the complex relationship between calcite and water, especially when water molecules flood the calcite surface.

Can Calcite Go In Salt Water?

No, calcite should not be placed in salt water as it can damage the mineral’s surface and structure.

While the azure seas beckon us, they may not extend the same warm invitation to our calcite crystals. Saltwater, while therapeutic for us, may not be as kind to calcite. The prolonged exposure may affect calcite’s shine and polish. The crystal’s interaction with saltwater is complex, with the saline solution influencing calcite’s structure and dynamics, often resulting in an alteration of its appearance.

Can Calcite Go In Tap Water?

No, calcite should not be immersed in tap water as it can alter the crystal’s appearance and integrity.

Tap water, the most accessible form of water, poses its own set of challenges for calcite. While it is generally safe for calcite, the crystal’s interaction with tap water is far from simple. Tap water often contains various minerals and chemicals that can interact with calcite, potentially altering its properties.

A quick dip might not be harmful, but repeated water baths or longer soaks could cause harm.

Can Calcite Go In the Sun?

No, Calcite cannot go in the sun. Extended sun exposure may cause calcite to fade, so it’s best kept out of direct sunlight.

The sun, the fiery ball in the sky, may not be the best friend for your calcite. Extended exposure to sunlight can cause calcite to fade and even damage its structure. So, while a bit of sunbathing might be tempting, it’s best to keep your calcite out of the sun’s direct rays.

Can Calcite Go In Salt?

No, calcite should not come into contact with salt as it can damage its surface and alter its structure.

Salt, while a common household item, can pose a threat to calcite. Interaction with salt can lead to changes in calcite’s growth patterns and even its structure. Therefore, while a sprinkle of salt might not seem harmful, it’s best to keep your calcite away from salt.

Understanding Calcite and Its Properties

Calcite crystal structure and composition
Calcite crystal structure and composition

Having covered the basics of calcite’s interactions with water, sunlight, and salt, it’s time for a more in-depth understanding of calcite.

This beautiful clear quartz crystal, found globally in all types of rocks, is not only pleasing to the eye but also possesses intriguing properties. It’s important to note that not all crystals, such as rose quartz, share these unique characteristics, making clear quartz truly special among polished stones. With so many crystals available, it’s fascinating to see the distinct qualities that set clear quartz apart.

Composition and Structure

Calcite, a carbonate mineral composed of calcium carbonate, boasts a crystal lattice structure, a testament to nature’s architectural prowess. Its molecular structure comprises one calcium atom, one carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms, arranged in a specific pattern, resulting in the chemical formula CaCO3.


Calcite is a crystal that wears many colors. From white to colorless, red to green, and even blue, calcite showcases a rainbow of hues, including orange calcite. Its physical form is equally diverse, showcasing rhombohedrons, scalenohedrons, and many more unique forms, including green calcite and calcite stones. Among its colorful varieties, blue calcite is also quite popular.

Mohs Hardness Scale

On the Mohs Hardness Scale, calcite scores a 3, indicating a relatively low hardness. This means it can be easily scratched by a copper coin or a knife blade, making it a delicate crystal that needs careful handling.

Can Calcite Be Submerged in Water?

Calcite crystal submerged in water for extended periods
Calcite crystal submerged in water for extended periods

Considering its interaction with water, one might wonder – can calcite be submerged in water? The effect on calcite varies depending on the duration of exposure. Both short and long-term exposures can result in different outcomes.

Short-Term Exposure

Short-term exposure to water might not significantly impact calcite. However, even a brief encounter with water can trigger a reaction, resulting in the formation of calcium bicarbonate. This interaction may lead to changes in the visual appearance of calcite.

Long-Term Exposure

Long-term exposure to water, on the other hand, can be quite detrimental to calcite. Extended contact with water can lead to dissolution and even changes in the surface characteristics of calcite.

From discoloration to cracking, the damages on stone yellow surfaces can be quite extensive.

The Dangers of Salt water on Calcite

While the sea might be a paradise for many, it poses a menace to calcite. The saltwater, with its high saline content, can have adverse effects on calcite, from altering its composition to causing permanent damage.

Calcite in Crystal Baths and Infused Water

Calcite crystal in a crystal bath
Calcite crystal in a crystal bath

Now, we will focus on the more soothing aspects of calcite’s interaction with water – crystal baths and infused water. These practices come with precautions, yet they also offer many benefits. In fact, repeated water baths encourage a deeper connection with the healing properties of calcite.

Crystal Baths

Experience the therapeutic benefits of a crystal bath with calcite. While certain precautions need to be taken, immersing in a bath filled with calcite-infused water can offer relief from pain and a sense of calm.

Crystal-Infused Drinking Water

Drink up the benefits of calcite with crystal-infused water. While certain precautions are necessary, drinking water infused with calcite can offer various health benefits, including fortifying the body and inducing serenity.

How to Cleanse and Charge Calcite Without Water?

If water cannot be used, how can we cleanse and charge calcite? Don’t worry, alternative methods like sunlight, smoke, and sound healing exist, each with its unique benefits.

Sunlight and Moonlight

Harness the energy of the sun and the tranquility of the moon to cleanse and charge your calcite. While sunlight imbues the crystals with vitality, moonlight purifies their energy with its gentle, calming radiance.

Smoke and Incense

Smoke and incense offer another potent way to cleanse and charge calcite. The smoke from incense sticks or cones can energetically cleanse the crystal, pushing away any negative energy and purifying it.

Sound Healing

Let the rhythmic vibrations of sound heal your calcite. Be it the resonating tones of a singing bowl or the soothing hum of a tuning fork, sound healing offers a unique way to cleanse and charge your calcite.

Caring for Calcite Crystals

Cleaning calcite crystal with a damp cloth
Cleaning calcite crystal with a damp cloth

Understanding the properties of calcite and knowing how to cleanse and charge it is not enough. Care for your calcite crystal is equally important.

This involves cleaning and storing it properly to maintain its energy and prevent damage.

Cleaning Calcite

For cleaning calcite, soap and water are ideal. A soft toothbrush can help maintain your calcite crystal’s shine. But remember, always handle your calcite delicately!

Storing Calcite

Proper storage is key to preserving the energy and preventing damage to your calcite. Keep it in a secure box or container and place it on a shelf or desk, away from moisture and direct sunlight.


In the end, understanding and caring for calcite is a rewarding journey. From knowing its properties to learning how to cleanse and charge it, every step brings you closer to uncovering the true magic of this fascinating crystal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Calcite In Water

What happens to calcite in water?

Calcite (CaCO3) dissolves in water, producing calcium ions (Ca+2 ) and bicarbonate ions (HCO-3) which remain in the water.

Is calcite sensitive to water?

Calcite is a gemstone with a lower hardness of 4, and is therefore sensitive to water. It can be rinsed but should not be left in water for a long time, as it will dissolve.

Can optical calcite go in water?

It is not advisable to submerge optical calcite in water since it can be affected by it.

Can calcite be exposed to sunlight?

Exposure to sunlight can cause fading and structural damage to calcite, so it should be avoided.

How should I store my calcite crystal?

Store your calcite crystal in a secure box or container, away from direct sunlight and moisture to ensure its longevity.