Honey Calcite meaning: All you need to know about Honey Calcite

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Honey Calcite is one of the more popular types of calcite, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a beautiful translucent golden yellow, and it has a very calming energy. It’s also said to be helpful for memory and studying. Honey Calcite meaning stands for its ability to cleanse and amplify energy. It is also a stone of manifestation, helping you manifest your desires.

Find out everything about Honey Calcite right from its meaning, history, and healing benefits to the ways to use it. 

What is Honey Calcite

Honey calcite gets its name from its colour, which is a deep golden yellow. It is a type of calcium carbonate, which is the main component of limestone.

Calcite is a very common mineral, but honey calcite is quite rare. It is found in only a few places in the world, including Mexico, Australia, and the United States. 

This crystal is also called golden calcite or yellow calcite.

Physical properties of Honey Calcite:

– Colour: Golden yellow

– Hardness on Moh’s scale: 3

– Crystal system: trigonal

– Refractive index: 1.658-1.662

Honey calcite is a translucent to transparent crystal with a vitreous to pearly lustre. It is usually found in massive form, but can also occur as prismatic crystals. The most common form of calcite, called calcite rhombohedron, has a rhombohedral shape.

Honey calcite is said to be a stone of manifestation, helping manifest one’s desires and goals. It is also said to be a stone of personal power, helping to increase one’s confidence and self-esteem. This crystal is also said to be helpful for increasing memory and concentration.

Honey Calcite meaning

Honey Calcite meaning stands for emotional healing, self-love, and solar plexus chakra activation. It is a stone that helps you to reconnect with your inner child and to bring back the playfulness in your life. It also helps to release old emotional wounds and traumas.

This crystal has the ability to amplify and store energy, making it an excellent stone for manifesting your desires. It also helps to increase your motivation and focus and can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Honey Calcite is also known as the “Success Stone” because it is said to assist in achieving success in all areas of your life.

Honey Calcite meaning
Image Source: Etsy.com

History and Origin of Honey Calcite

Honey calcite is a type of calcite that gets its name from its honey-coloured appearance. It is found in various locations around the world, including Mexico, Australia, and the United States.

It was first discovered in the early 19th century and has been used for a variety of purposes over the years, including jewellery and ornamental objects.

Many years ago, the vikings used a type of calcite called Iceland spar as a navigational tool. The calcite crystals would split light into a double image, which the Vikings used to determine the sun’s location. Honey calcite is similar to calcite that also splits light into a double image, but it is a much prettier yellow colour.

What are the benefits of Honey Calcite?

  • Honey Calcite can help to cleanse and clear the aura and chakras.
  • It can help to increase concentration and motivation.
  • Honey Calcite can help to boost the immune system.
  • It can help to relieve stress and tension.
  • Honey Calcite can help to reduce anxiety and depression.

Honey Calcite meaning and chakra connection

Honey calcite is a powerful stone that can help to connect you with the energies of the Earth. It can also help to boost your vitality and increase your strength and stamina. This stone is also said to be helpful for those who are struggling with addictions, as it can help to detoxify the body and mind. Honey calcite is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which is the chakra of personal power and will.

The solar plexus chakra is located just below the sternum, in the stomach area. It is associated with the element of fire, and its colour is yellow. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for our personal power, will, and determination. When this chakra is balanced, we feel confident and in control of our lives. When it is out of balance, we may feel powerless, weak, and indecisive.

Honey Calcite helps in balancing the solar plexus chakra, which in turn can help you to feel more empowered and in control of your life. This stone can also help to increase your vitality and strength and to detoxify your body and mind.

Honey Calcite healing properties

Researchers say that calcite is a stone of the mind and that it can help with memory, learning, and concentration. Honey calcite is said to be particularly helpful in stimulating the mind and increasing one’s ability to retain information. It is also said to be helpful in clearing away negative energy and restoring balance and harmony.

Honey Calcite emotional healing properties

Honey Calcite is a powerful emotional healer, helping to release old traumas and wounds from the past. It is also helpful in dissolving any blockages that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. This stone is also known for its ability to increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

This is a stone of manifestation, helping you to bring your goals and dreams into reality. Honey Calcite meaning also stands for its ability to increase your motivation and drive.

This crystal is a calming stone that can help to ease anxiety and stress. When one is burdened with worries, this stone can help to bring a sense of lightness and peace.

Honey Calcite physical healing properties

Honey Calcite is said to be a powerful healing stone that can help to ease pain and promote recovery from illness or injury. It is also said to be helpful in treating disorders of the reproductive system and the digestive system. At a scientific level, calcite is known to be effective in healing lungs and bones.

Honey Calcite acts as a safeguard and will keep the near and dear ones safe from diseases and illness. It improves overall immunity and makes the body strong and healthy.

Honey Calcite spiritual meaning

Honey Calcite mental healing properties

Honey calcite is said to be a stone of mental clarity, memory enhancement, and focus. It is also said to help with decision making, concentration, and problem solving. 

When one is seeking truth, clarity, and understanding, honey calcite can be a helpful stone. It can help to clear away confusion, reveal the truth that is hidden, and help one see both sides of a situation.

Honey calcite can also be helpful in studying and retaining information. It is said to enhance memory and recall, and to help with concentration and focus.

Honey calcite is also said to be a stone of manifestation. It is said to help manifest one’s desires, and to attract abundance and prosperity.

Honey Calcite spiritual meaning

Honey calcite is a powerful stone that can help to open up the chakras and cleanse the aura. It can also help to increase psychic abilities and to bring spiritual insights. This stone can also help to bring clarity of mind and to promote creativity. Spiritually, honey calcite can help to bring a sense of peace and calm. It can also help to connect with the higher self and to bring about a sense of oneness with the universe.

Honey Calcite metaphysical properties

  • Aids in bringing about change
  • Eases stress and anxiety
  • Encourages one to follow their dreams
  • Aids in manifestation
  • Helps with decision making
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Aids in memory recall
  • Stimulates the mind and aids in concentration

Honey calcite is a powerful stone that can help to raise your vibration and bring you into a higher state of consciousness. It is also a stone of manifestation, helping you to manifest your desires and bring your goals into reality. This crystal can also help you to connect with your higher self, and it is a great stone for meditation.

Honey Calcite benefits
Image Source: Etsy.com

How to use Honey Calcite

 1. As jewellery: 

Honey calcite can be made into beautiful jewellery. It can be used as a necklace, bracelet, or even earrings. Using this stone as jewellery keeps the crystal closer to the body which then amplifies its effects.

 2. In the home: 

Honey calcite can be placed in various areas around the home. It can be placed in the living room to radiate positive energy or in the bedroom to help with sleep and relaxation.

 3. In the office: 

Honey calcite is a great stone to have in the office. It will promote productivity and motivation. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety related to work.

 4. During meditation: 

Honey calcite can be used during meditation. It can help to focus the mind and to connect with the higher self. brings about a sense of calm and peace.

The process to use this stone while meditation is as follows:

– Sit in a comfortable position and hold the crystal in your hands.

– Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

– Visualise the honey calcite glowing with a golden light.

– Imagine the light entering your body and filling you with positive energy.

– Stay in this state for as long as you feel comfortable.

Ways to cleanse Honey Calcite

1. Using Water: 

You can cleanse your Honey Calcite by using water.  Hold your crystal under running water for a minute or two. You may use affirmations while this process. Turn the crystal on all sides to make sure water cleanses all sides of it. Post the wash, and use a soft cotton cloth to wipe the crystal off. The crystal is now ready to be used.

2. Using Salt Water: 

You can also cleanse your Honey Calcite using salt water.  Add some sea salt or Himalayan salt to a bowl of water. Stir it around to dissolve the salt. Now, add your crystal to the bowl and let it sit there for a few hours. After a few hours, remove the crystal from the bowl and rinse it under running water. Pat it dry with a soft cloth.

3. Using Smudging: 

You can cleanse your Honey Calcite using smudging. Smudging is the process of using smoke from a burning plant, such as sage, to cleanse a space or object. To smudge your crystal, hold it in your hand and pass it through the smoke of the burning plant. Move it around until the entire crystal is covered in smoke. Once the crystal is covered in smoke, you can allow it to air out or rinse it under running water.

4. Using moonlight: 

You can cleanse your Honey Calcite by placing it outside in the moonlight. Leave it out overnight, and in the morning, bring it back inside. Doing this on a full moon day is recommended. 

How to care for Honey Calcite

Honey calcite is a fairly soft stone, so it is important to take care when handling it. Avoid dropping or bumping it, as it may break or chip.

Honey calcite can be cleaned with warm soapy water, or with a mild solution of vinegar and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as these can damage the surface of the stone.

Honey calcite can be charged and cleansed using any methods that are suitable for other crystals.

How can you tell if a stone is Honey Calcite?

There are a few ways to tell if Honey Calcite is real. One way is to look at the colour. If it is a deep yellow or orange, it is most likely real. Another way is to look at the crystal structure. If it is hexagonal or trigonal, it is most likely real. Finally, you can try to scratch the surface of the calcite. If it is real, it will scratch easily.

Interested in another Calcite crystal? Learn about Yellow Calcite and its healing benefits.