Black Onyx meaning: Everything you need to know about Black Onyx

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Black Onyx stone is a beautiful and powerful crystal in the gemstones world. Anyone who has ever thought of bringing a healing crystal home must have come across the Black Onyx crystal. It is a mysterious stone filled with all the benefits of a black gemstone. The physical appearance of the stone is unique and has very distinct energy which can be harnessed for good.

Black Onyx meaning is derived from its ability to function as a powerhouse of protective and purifying energy. It is one of the important stones in the world of healing, meditation, and spirituality. The energies of this stone can be very helpful in times of grief, sorrow, and depression. It can also be used to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and soul.

Here is a complete guide about Black Onyx meaning, Black Onyx healing properties, spiritual meaning, benefits, side effects and who should wear black onyx and much more. Continue reading to learn more!

Black Onyx meaning

Black Onyx meaning is derived from its ability to protect against negative energy. Black onyx is a powerful stone that can help to guard against negative vibes and to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and soul.

The vibrations of this crystal can also help to connect you with your higher self and to achieve a state of inner peace. It motivates and gives a push to move forward in life by handling the hindrances and problems with ease.

1. Helps to protect against negative energy

2. Cleanses and purifies the mind, body, and soul

3. Connects you with your higher self

4. Achieves a state of inner peace

5. Motivates and gives a push to move forward in life

Black Onyx meaning

What is Black Onyx?

Black Onyx is part of the Quartz family and is found in Brazil, India, and Uruguay. The name “Onyx” comes from the Greek word “onyx” which means “claw” or “fingernail”. 

This semi-precious stone has been used in jewellery and other decorative objects for centuries. It is a popular material for cameos. Black Onyx is said to have many metaphysical properties. It is believed to help with decision-making, relieve fears, and promote happiness.

Black Onyx is made up of relatively parallel bands of colours. Black is the most common colour, but it can also be white, yellow, or brown. The bands are arranged in such a way that they resemble layers of a cake.

Black Onyx properties

Here is a quick glance of the Black Onyx stone properties

  • Black Onyx is a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
  • The stone has a vitreous lustre.
  • It is non-transparent.
  • The hardness on Mohs hardness scale is 7.
  • It has a specific gravity of 2.66.
  • It has a refractive index of 1.54-1.55.
  • It is double refractive.
  • It is found in Brazil, India, and Uruguay.
  • The name “Onyx” comes from the Greek word “onyx” which means “claw” or “fingernail”.

Black Onyx healing properties

Black Onyx is known for its protective nature against negative energy. This stone has strong healing benefits and given its colour, it absorbs all the negative vibrations around you to cleanse and purify your mind, body, and soul. 

Black Onyx crystal has a mix of emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits which makes it one of the most powerful stones for overall healing. Its connection to the chakra system and the element of Earth make it a very grounding stone.

Emotional and Mental healing properties of Black Onyx

1. Improves self-control

2. Provides grounding effect

3. Acts as a protection stone

4. Helps with grief, sorrow, and depression

5. Enhances courage and strength

6. Banishes bad habits

Black Onyx is a strong stone that can help you deal with grief, sorrow, and depression. It can help you let go of the past and move on with your life. It can also provide you with the strength and courage you need to face your fears. Black Onyx is a stone of protection and can help you guard against negative energy. Black Onyx stone is known for its grounding effect and can help you stay calm and focused in times of stress.

It enhances self-control and banishes bad habits. It is a stone that can help you get in touch with your inner strength and power.

Black Onyx spiritual meaning

Spiritual healing properties of Black Onyx

1. Connects with the higher self

2. Helps achieve a state of inner peace

3. Absorbs and transforms negative energy

4. Helps you let go of the past

5. Aids in achieving your highest potential

Black Onyx is a stone that can be used for protection against negative energy. It can help you connect with your higher self and achieve a state of inner peace. Black Onyx is known for its ability to absorb and transform negative energy. It can also help you let go of the past and move on with your life. Black Onyx is a powerful stone that can help you achieve your highest potential. 

Black Onyx spiritual meaning is ‘the protector’. It protects you from the negative vibrations and clears the aura to help you achieve your highest potential.

Physical healing properties of Black Onyx

1. Helps with physical stress and anxiety

2. Improves stamina and endurance

3. Relieves pain

4. Helps with nerve health

5. Keeps the nervous system healthy

Black Onyx has strong grounding and stabilising energies that can help you deal with physical stress and anxiety. It is believed that the Black Onyx stone helps one recover from physical trauma and injuries. Black Onyx can help improve your stamina and endurance and has the ability to relieve pain. It is excellent for nerve health and keeps the entire nervous system healthy

Metaphysical healing properties of Black Onyx

1. Protects against negative energy

2. Connects with the higher self

3. Achieves calmness and a state of inner peace

4. Grounds and stabilises the chakra system

Black onyx is a powerful stone that has a wide range of metaphysical healing benefits. It can be used to protect against negative energy, to connect with the higher self, to achieve a state of inner peace, and to absorb and transform negative energy. Black onyx is also known for its ability to ground and stabilise the chakra system.

Black Onyx meaning and Chakra connection

Black Onyx is connected to the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the element of Earth and is responsible for our connection to the physical world. The Root Chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and security. It is a very grounding and stabilising chakra.

When the Root Chakra is in balance, we feel safe, secure, and grounded. We are able to deal with stress and anxiety. We feel confident and have a sense of belonging. When it goes out of balance, we may feel anxious, fearful, and stressed. We may also feel disconnected from the physical world.

Black Onyx can help to balance the Root Chakra and restore a sense of security. It can also help to ground and stabilise the chakra.

1. Helps to balance the Root Chakra

2. Restores a sense of security

3. Grounds and stabilises the chakra

4. Helps with stress and anxiety

5. Helps with a sense of belonging

Black Onyx side effects and who should not wear Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a very powerful stone and has many benefits. However, there are a few side effects that you should be aware of:

  • Black Onyx can be overwhelming for some people. If you are sensitive to energy, then it is best to use Black Onyx in small doses.
  • Black Onyx can also be too grounding for some people. For someone who is constantly on the go, Black Onyx may not be the best stone for them.
  • Black Onyx can also absorb negative energy. If you are around people who are negative or if you are in a negative environment, then Black Onyx will absorb that energy. It is best to cleanse the stone regularly if you are exposed to negative energy.
  • Black Onyx is also not recommended for pregnant women as it is a very powerful stone.

Who should wear Black Onyx?

Black Onyx is a stone that can be worn by anyone. However, there are some people who will benefit more from wearing Black Onyx:

  • Those who are stressed: Black Onyx is a very grounding and stabilising stone. If you are someone who is constantly on the go or if you are feeling stressed, then Black Onyx can help you to relax and feel more grounded.
  • Those who are grieving: Black Onyx is a stone of protection and can help to guard against negative energy. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, then Black Onyx is the stone for you to help you to deal with the grief and move on with your life.
  • Those who want to get in touch with their inner strength: Black Onyx is a stone that can help you to get in touch with your inner strength and power. If you are looking to connect with your higher self, then Black Onyx can help you to achieve that.
How to use Black Onyx crystal

How to use Black Onyx?

There are many ways to use Black Onyx and there is no right or wrong method. Black Onyx meaning stands for protection against negative vibes and keeping the stone as close as possible will only keep you more protected. 

Here are some well known ways to use Black Onyx:

  • Wearing Black Onyx: Black Onyx can be worn as a piece of jewelry or as a stone in a necklace or bracelet. This way the crystal stays closer to the body and is around you most of the time.
  • Carrying Black Onyx: Another way to keep the crystal close to you is by carrying it in your pocket or in a small pouch.
  • Placing Black Onyx in the home: Black Onyx can also be placed in the home in areas where you feel you need protection from negative energy.
  • Meditation with Black Onyx: Black Onyx can also be used in meditation. You can hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your body.
  • Black Onyx elixir: Black Onyx can also be made into an elixir. This can be done by placing the crystal in a bowl of water overnight. The elixir can then be used to drink or to wash the body.

How to cleanse and recharge Black Onyx?

Black Onyx does not need to be cleansed very often as it is a very powerful stone. However, it is always good to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly. There are many ways to cleanse and recharge Black Onyx.

  • Sunlight: You can cleanse Black Onyx by placing it in sunlight for a few hours. This is one of the most effective and common ways. The energy from the sun will cleanse and recharge the crystal.
  • Moonlight: You can also cleanse Black Onyx by placing it in moonlight overnight. Moonlight is very gentle and has feminine energy which cleanses the stone softly. It is best to cleanse your stone on the full moon as the moonlight cleansing is the most effective on those days.
  • Running water: Another way to cleanse Black Onyx is by running it under cold water. Take the crystal in your hands and run it under cold water for a few minutes. You can also place the crystal in a bowl of cold water for a few hours.
  • Smudging: Smudging is a method of cleansing that is used to cleanse and purify the energy of a space. It is done by burning sage or Palo Santo and wafting the smoke over the crystal. This will cleanse the crystal of any negative energy.
  • Cleansing with other crystals: You can also cleanse Black Onyx with other crystals. Place the crystal you want to cleanse on top of a bed of sea salt or on a cluster of quartz crystals. Leave it there for a few hours or overnight. The energy of the other crystals will cleanse and recharge the Black Onyx.

How to tell if Black Onyx is real?

There are many fake crystals available in the market and it can be difficult to tell if a crystal is real or not. Here are some ways to tell if Black Onyx is real:

  • Look at the color: Black Onyx is a black stone with white bands running through it. If the stone is not black or if the bands are not white, there are chances it is not Black Onyx.
  • Look at the clarity: Black Onyx is a non-transparent stone. Notice the transparency of the stone. If the stone is transparent, then it is not Black Onyx.
  • Look at the Mohs hardness: Black Onyx has a Mohs hardness of 7. The stone has to be pretty hard. If the stone is not hard enough, then it is not Black Onyx. If you have doubts you may want to get it checked by a gemstonist.
  • Look at the refractive index: Black Onyx has a refractive index of 1.54-1.55. If the refractive index does not match it could be a fake Black Onyx.
  • Look at the double refraction: Black Onyx is double refractive. It reflects light from all sides. If the stone is not double refractive and does not throw light, do more checks to verify its authenticity. 
  • Look for a certificate of authenticity: If you are buying Black Onyx from a store, then make sure that the store provides you with a certificate of authenticity. This will guarantee that the stone is real.

Interested in learning about other crystals similar to Black Onyx crystal healing benefits? You may want to read about Red Agate stone.