Can Black Onyx Go in Water? A Definitive Care Guide for Your Mystical Gemstone

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Black Onyx is resistant to water and brief contact with it is safe; however, it should not be submerged for extended periods to avoid damage to its appearance and durability. Salt water can be particularly harmful to Black Onyx, causing discoloration or damage, and as such should be avoided to maintain the integrity of the stone.

Careful cleaning of Black Onyx involves using a damp cloth without soap, gently brushing with a soft brush and mild soap if needed, and avoiding abrasive cleaning methods such as mechanical cleaners. While Black Onyx can be cleansed with tap water, or placed in salt for purifying purposes, excessive contact should be avoided due to potential long-term effects and alterations.

Black Onyx should be stored away from direct sunlight and harsh chemicals, and cleansed with mild soap and water or alternative methods such as sound vibrations and smudging.

Is Black Onyx Water Safe?

A beautiful illustration of black onyx jewelry
A beautiful illustration of black onyx jewelry

The general safety of Black Onyx in water is a subject that often piques curiosity, especially for those who wear Black Onyx jewelry. The Black Onyx stone is reputed for its remarkable resistance to water, making brief contact with the liquid generally safe. So, if you’re wearing your favorite Black Onyx ring while washing your hands or caught in a bit of rain, rest easy – your precious stone is perfectly safe.

However, like many things in life, balance is key. Although submersion in water is possible, Black Onyx should not stay underwater for extended periods. Over time, extended contact with water can potentially affect the appearance and durability of the stone. So, the next time you’re heading for a swim or about to immerse yourself in a relaxing bath, it might be best to leave your Black Onyx jewelry safely aside.

This guideline also extends to the cleansing process of Black Onyx stones. While water can be used for cleansing, it is recommended to do so with caution. Here are some tips for cleaning Black Onyx:

  • Use warm water and mild soap
  • Use a soft brush to gently clean the stone
  • Avoid using mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning methods as they might pose a risk to the stone.

Can Black Onyx Go In Salt Water?

The situation becomes more complex with salt water. The impact of salt water on Black Onyx is a topic that isn’t as straightforward as one might think. There are two aspects to consider – cleansing and exposure. For cleansing purposes, Black Onyx can be placed in a bowl of salt water overnight, relying on the purifying properties of salt. However, this should be done sparingly to avoid any potential alterations in appearance and energy.

As for prolonged exposure, like wearing your Black Onyx jewelry while swimming in the ocean, it’s a slightly different story. Given the lack of specific information about the long-term effects of salt water on Black Onyx and its known sensitivity to prolonged water exposure and harsh chemicals, caution is recommended. So, before taking a dip in the ocean, it might be best to remove your Black Onyx pieces to keep them in their optimal condition.

Can Black Onyx Go In Tap Water?

Tap water is a common element in our everyday lives. So, is it safe for Black Onyx to come into contact with tap water? The answer is yes, but with some stipulations. For cleaning purposes, Black Onyx can safely come in contact with tap water, provided it isn’t soaked for too long. Lukewarm tap water is especially efficient for cleansing and recharging Black Onyx, offering a practical and accessible way to care for your Black Onyx pieces.

Moreover, when cleaning Black Onyx, rinsing it under running tap water and visualizing the removal of negative energy is recommended. This method not only cleanses the physical stone but also helps to reset its energy, enhancing the Black Onyx healing properties. However, remember to avoid leaving Black Onyx submerged in tap water for extended periods, as this could potentially affect the stone’s appearance and durability.

Can Black Onyx Go In the Sun?

Sunlight, while essential for life, is not always a friend to our precious stones. For Black Onyx, one should avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight. Over time, constant exposure to sunlight can cause the vibrant jet black color of Black Onyx to fade. More importantly, it could potentially drain the stone’s energy, diminishing its healing properties.

While brief exposure to sunlight can charge Black Onyx, close monitoring is crucial to prevent potential damage. So, if you’re planning to sunbathe, it might be a good idea to tuck your Black Onyx jewelry away in a shaded spot.

Can Black Onyx Go In Salt?

Having explored the effects of salt water on Black Onyx, let’s consider the impact of direct contact with salt. For cleansing purposes, Black Onyx can be placed in a bowl of salt water overnight, utilizing the purifying properties of salt. However, prolonged direct contact with salt may not be recommended due to potential alterations in appearance and energy.

Historically, salt has been used in various cultures for purification rituals, indicating its significance in cleansing processes. While crystals with a Mohs hardness score of 7 or above are typically considered safe to cleanse with salt and salt water, it’s always best to err on the side of caution, especially with precious stones like Black Onyx. Rock salt, a common type of salt, has also been utilized in these cleansing practices.

The Water Tolerance of Black Onyx

Black Onyx Stone in Water
Black Onyx Stone in Water

Black Onyx, a stoic guardian in the realm of gemstones, stands undaunted when met with water. This variety of chalcedony, with its intricate layers of microcrystalline quartz, is not only visually mesmerizing but also structurally adept at handling the occasional dip. Can Black Onyx tolerate the embrace of water? Indeed, the stone’s composition allows for immersion, making it safe for cleaning purposes without the peril of damage. The practicality of this trait ensures that wearers of Black Onyx jewelry can maintain the stone’s pristine condition with little worry.

Yet, while Black Onyx may befriend water for brief encounters, it is not one for prolonged dalliances. Excessive exposure can alter the stone’s appearance or weaken its durability, suggesting that there is wisdom in moderation. The question then arises: how does one balance the necessity of cleansing with the desire to preserve the integrity of their Black Onyx treasures?

Understanding the Durability of Black Onyx

Black Onyx boasts durability that matches its visual allure. Rated between 6 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, this gemstone is less prone to scratches and damage from casual water contact than its softer mineral counterparts. This hardiness ensures that Black Onyx jewelry, including a stunning black onyx ring, when subjected to the rigors of daily wear, retains its composure and continues to symbolize the wearer’s inner strength and self-control. The Mohs scale serves as a trusted guide, indicating that Black Onyx, with its robust nature, can handle the occasional water exposure with grace.

What does black onyx symbolize for those who wish to wear black onyx jewelry as a constant companion? This suggests that while the precious stones, such as black onyx, can withstand some elements, it still requires care to maintain its energetic radiance and resilience against daily wear and tear.

The Dos and Don’ts of Water Exposure

When it comes to Black Onyx, the key to preserving its majesty lies in gentle care. Here are some tips for caring for Black Onyx:

  • Use a damp cloth to delicately wipe the surface.
  • Avoid using soap, as it may seep into its porous surface and cause discoloration.
  • It’s perfectly safe to cleanse Black Onyx with lukewarm water for brief periods.
  • Avoid using ultrasonic and mechanical cleaning devices, as they are too harsh for the refined nature of Black Onyx and may cause abrasions or loss of integrity to the stone.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Black Onyx remains beautiful and well-maintained.

Hence, caring for Black Onyx requires a balanced and precise approach. Exposure to water should not be feared but respected, with the understanding that the right methods will maintain the stone’s composure and self-control—just as it maintains ours when worn on the middle finger or carried close to our person.

How to Cleanse Black Onyx With Water?

A gentle illustration of cleaning black onyx with water
A gentle illustration of cleaning black onyx with water

Considering Black Onyx’s water resistance, using water-based cleansing methods to maintain its sparkle and energy is perfectly safe. Warm water and mild soap make an excellent and safe cleaning solution for Black Onyx. Using this combination, gently clean your Black Onyx jewelry or stones with a soft brush to remove any debris or buildup.

After washing, remember to air dry your Black Onyx pieces to maintain their luster and prevent any potential water damage. For necklaces and pendants, the same procedure applies, with the addition of a mild detergent to the warm water for an extra clean effect. This method is both effective and gentle, ensuring your Black Onyx stays in top-notch condition.

Drying Methods Post-Water Exposure

After being cleaned, Black Onyx should air dry, a method that respects its natural composition and preserves its aesthetic appeal. If one is short on time, a gentle pat-down with a paper towel can help prevent any unsightly water spots or streaks, ensuring the gemstone emerges from the cleansing process as visually appealing as ever. This careful attention to the drying process not only preserves the immediate beauty of the Black Onyx but also safeguards its long-term vitality, ensuring it remains a source of strength and balance.

The care one extends to their Black Onyx after water exposure speaks volumes of the reverence held for this powerful stone. By choosing the right drying methods, one ensures that the Black Onyx retains its capacity to activate inner power and balance energies, just as it did in ancient times when it served as a symbol of protection and good fortune.

Protecting Black Onyx from Negative Energy via Water Cleansing

Black Onyx in Cleansing Ritual
Black Onyx in Cleansing Ritual

Water has long been regarded as a conduit for purification, a medium through which negative energies can be washed away. This age-old wisdom holds true for Black Onyx too, a stone known for its capacity to absorb and transmute these energies. A water cleansing ritual, when performed correctly, can enhance the metaphysical properties of Black Onyx, fortifying its protective shield and supporting emotional stability without compromising the stone’s structure.

Since Black Onyx attracts negative energy, frequent cleansing is necessary to prevent it from becoming overwhelmed, which could potentially result in its fracture. By activating inner strength and courage, Black Onyx serves as a powerful ally in the quest for balance, and water cleansing is a gentle yet potent means to recharge this stone, ensuring it continues to transform negative energy effectively. Additionally, the presence of a quartz crystal can further enhance the cleansing process.

Black Onyx’s Healing Properties and Water

Amidst the bustling chaos of daily life, Black Onyx stands as a beacon of stability, deterring negative experiences and fostering a sense of good fortune. The black onyx healing properties are amplified through the use of water in cleansing rituals, which not only preserve its physical form but also enhance its spiritual essence. By aiding in detoxification and supporting the immune and skeletal systems, the onyx stones, particularly the black onyx stone, encourage cell regeneration, and the use of water in such rituals may further promote these detoxifying effects.

The bond between Black Onyx and water goes beyond simple cleansing; it’s a reciprocal interaction that revitalizes both the stone and the spirit. As water enhances the stone’s healing properties, it aids in the regeneration process, imbuing Black Onyx with an even greater ability to balance energies and provide protection in times of need.

Identifying Real Black Onyx Before Water Immersion

Before submerging Black Onyx in water for either cleansing or recharging, it’s crucial to first confirm its authenticity. Genuine Black Onyx possesses the following characteristics:

  • A vitreous luster
  • A specific range in its refractive index that distinguishes it from imitations
  • It may not always present as pure black; natural variations can reveal a brownish or greyish tint, yet its polished surface should exude a glossy, waxy luster.

A scratch test, using a material softer than 6 on the Mohs scale, can reveal the real Black Onyx, as its hardness protects it from easy scratches. Furthermore, the coolness of genuine Black Onyx against the skin is a telltale sign of its authenticity, setting it apart from counterfeit stones that may mimic its appearance. Knowledge of these identifying features is crucial in ensuring that one can identify black onyx and be certain that the Black Onyx they wish to cleanse is indeed the storied gemstone of protection and power.

Can Black Onyx Be Worn in the Shower or While Swimming?

The query of whether Black Onyx can be worn in the shower or while swimming elicits a complex answer. Although Black Onyx has a high tolerance to water, making it generally safe for such activities, it is the duration of exposure that needs consideration. The stone’s resilience to occasional water contact must be balanced with the understanding that prolonged exposure can lead to dulling or potential color changes.

Therefore, while it is perfectly safe to wear Black Onyx jewelry for short periods in water, it is prudent to remove it before engaging in extended swimming or showering sessions. This practice prevents potential damage and allows the stone to maintain its properties, ensuring that it continues to activate and balance energies as intended.

Storing Black Onyx After Water Contact

Once Black Onyx has been in contact with water, its storage is a critical part of its care. To preserve the energetic properties of the stone, it is beneficial to store it in a manner that allows for charging. Here’s how:

  1. Place it in a bowl of water under the moonlight for 8 hours. This ensures that Black Onyx is dried properly and energetically reinvigorated.
  2. After charging, store it in a safe and clean place, away from other stones or objects that may scratch or damage it.
  3. Keep it in a cool and dry environment to prevent any moisture buildup.

By following these storage guidelines, you can ensure that your Black Onyx remains a powerful protector against negative energy and a supporter of emotional stability.

Purposeful storage of Black Onyx mirrors the stone’s spiritual significance. By caring for it in a way that aligns with its metaphysical properties, one can enhance the stone’s ability to transform negative energies and maintain its potent protective qualities.

How to Cleanse Black Onyx Without Water?

An artistic illustration of sound vibrations and black onyx
An artistic illustration of sound vibrations and black onyx

While water is a safe and effective way to cleanse Black Onyx, there are several alternative methods that do not involve water. These methods protect both the physical structure and the vibrational energy of Black Onyx.

One such method involves the use of dry brown rice. Placing Black Onyx in a bowl of dry brown rice helps to absorb and neutralize negative energies, rejuvenating the stone’s energy. Sound vibrations, such as chants, tuning forks, music, sound bowls, bells, or chimes can also be used to cleanse Black Onyx.

Sound Vibrations and Black Onyx

Sound vibrations offer a unique and effective method for cleaning Black Onyx. This technique leverages the power of sound to cleanse and recharge the stone’s energy. Instruments such as:

  • chanting
  • singing bowls
  • tuning forks
  • bells

Crystal cleansing methods can be employed for this process, their sonic vibrations maintaining the clarity and metaphysical properties of Black Onyx. As black onyx symbolize strength and protection, it is essential to keep its energy pure and potent, and being able to identify black onyx is crucial for those seeking its benefits. One such method involves using a quartz crystal, such as rose quartz, which can help amplify the cleansing process.

The beauty of using sound vibrations lies in its ability to cleanse Black Onyx at a vibrational level. The sonic waves resonate with the stone, shaking off any negative energies and restoring its natural vibrational state. This method doesn’t just cleanse the physical stone, but also rejuvenates its energy, allowing the Black Onyx to function at its full potential.

Smudging Black Onyx for Energetic Cleansing

Smudging, a traditional practice that employs smoke from burning sage to clear unwanted vibrations, is another effective way to cleanse Black Onyx without water. Sage smudge sticks are commonly used due to their believed properties to clear negative energies.

To smudge Black Onyx, simply hold the stone in the smoke of a burning sage stick for several seconds. This process is considered effective in removing negative energies and restoring the stone’s natural vibrational state. So, the next time you feel your Black Onyx could use an energy boost, consider giving smudging a try.

How to Charge Black Onyx?

A serene illustration of charging black onyx with natural elements
A serene illustration of charging black onyx with natural elements

Much like humans, stones also require energy recharging. But, how can we charge Black Onyx? A common method involves leaving it in sunlight for 6 to 12 hours. However, given the sensitivity of Black Onyx to light, this should be done with caution to avoid any potential fading or draining of energy.

Moonlight and rain also serve as harmless cleansing and charging agents for Black Onyx. These natural elements provide a gentle yet effective way to recharge the stone, ensuring the Black Onyx stays vibrant and energetically charged.

Charging Black Onyx with Natural Elements

Apart from sunlight, other natural elements can also charge Black Onyx. One such method involves burying Black Onyx in soil. This allows the stone to absorb the earth’s energies, providing a natural charge that circumvents the risks associated with direct sunlight exposure.

This method not only charges the stone but also helps maintain its color and energy levels. Even after charging Black Onyx by burying it in soil, it is important to continue avoiding direct sunlight to maintain the stone’s color and energy levels. So, the next time your Black Onyx needs a recharge, consider giving it a little earth therapy.

Caring for Black Onyx

A graceful illustration of caring for black onyx
A graceful illustration of caring for black onyx

Caring for Black Onyx extends beyond just cleansing and charging. To maintain its condition, Black Onyx should not be exposed to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or direct sunlight. Regular cleaning is also crucial to maintain the appearance of Black Onyx. Using a soft, damp cloth, gently remove any dirt or residue without using harsh or abrasive cleaning products.

Storage is another important aspect of caring for Black Onyx. To prevent any potential scratches, Black Onyx should be stored separately from other gemstones. A little care goes a long way in preserving the beauty and energy of your Black Onyx pieces, ensuring they stay in prime condition for years to come.

Caring for Your Black Onyx Jewelry

Cleaning Black Onyx Jewelry
Cleaning Black Onyx Jewelry

Maintaining Black Onyx jewelry can be compared to nurturing a significant relationship. It requires attention to detail, respect for its nature, and an understanding of its preferences. Prolonged water exposure, for instance, might lead to unwanted changes in the gemstone’s appearance or a reduction in its durability. Similarly, the chemicals found in showers, which may seem innocuous, can be detrimental to the stone, potentially eroding its stoic beauty. Therefore, it is advisable to remove Black Onyx jewelry before stepping into the shower or diving into a pool.

Once cleansed, Black Onyx should not bask in direct sunlight, which could cause damage akin to that of UV exposure. Instead, it ought to be stored with care, perhaps in a velvet pouch or a padded ring case, separate from other jewelry that might scratch its surface, to preserve its luster and enigmatic presence.


From understanding the safety of Black Onyx in various elements to discovering how to cleanse and charge it, we’ve covered quite a journey in the world of this mystical gemstone. Proper care, including avoiding prolonged exposure to water, sunlight, and salt, and using appropriate cleansing and charging methods, is key to maintaining its energy and appearance. Whether you wear Black Onyx for its protective properties or simply for its beauty, taking good care of your Black Onyx pieces will ensure they continue to serve you well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Black Onyx go in water?

Yes, Black Onyx can be submerged in water, but prolonged exposure should be avoided to prevent potential damage to its appearance and durability.

How can I cleanse my Black Onyx with water?

To cleanse your Black Onyx with water, use warm water and mild soap with a soft brush to gently remove debris and buildup, then air dry the pieces.

Can Black Onyx go in the sun?

It’s best to avoid prolonged direct sunlight for Black Onyx as it can cause fading and drain the stone’s energy. Be mindful of brief exposure to sunlight, which can help charge the stone.

How can I cleanse my Black Onyx without water?

You can cleanse Black Onyx without water by using sound vibrations, smudging with sage, or burying it in the earth. These methods help maintain the stone’s energy and properties.

How can I charge my Black Onyx?

You can charge your Black Onyx by exposing it to sunlight, moonlight, burying it in soil, or using a selenite or clear quartz charger. Try these methods and see which works best for you.