2/ Minimise context switching– Context switching is tough. Do everything you can to minimise it in your work day– Club similar activities together so you can focus only on one area at a time eg. consolidate meeting times, schedule office hours, block time for deep focus work— Hrishikesh Pardeshi (@hrishiptweets) March 1, 2021 4/ Eliminate distractionsDistractions are 2 types:1) Ones you can control: Slack, email, social media2) Ones you can't control: Attending to kids/petsEliminate distractions you can control when working on a goal eg. Snoozing notifications, keeping phone away from the desk— Hrishikesh Pardeshi (@hrishiptweets) March 1, 2021 5/ Use free tools & apps to keep yourself accountable– I use @NotionHQ for tracking my goals & TODOsSome other fantastic apps:– @todoist– @airtable– @SliteHQ— Hrishikesh Pardeshi (@hrishiptweets) March 1, 2021