Sleeping with Tiger’s Eye Under Pillow: Benefits & Precautions

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Sleeping with Tiger’s Eye under pillow improves sleep quality and protects your dreams. Tiger’s Eye has been used for centuries to provide strength, courage, and insight. This unique gemstone also helps achieve a more restful slumber. In this comprehensive guide, uncover the secrets of sleeping with tiger eye under pillow and how to maximize its benefits for a peaceful night’s rest.

Key Takeaways

  • Tiger’s Eye crystal has calming and grounding properties to improve sleep quality, reduce nightmares, align the chakras and protect from negative energy.
  • Consider zodiac sign compatibility, potential discomfort & allergies when placing Tiger’s Eye under pillow.
  • Enhance benefits of Tiger’s Eye with meditation/visualization practices & aromatherapy pairings for restful sleep.

Can You Sleep With Tiger’s Eye Under Pillow?

Tiger's Eye crystal resting on a soft pillow

Yes, you can sleep with Tiger’s Eye under pillow for a peaceful and high quality sleep.

The idea of placing a tiger eye crystal under your pillow might seem unconventional, but this ancient talisman can indeed be used to enhance your sleep. Known for its protective qualities and ability to dispel negative energy, Tiger’s Eye can provide courage, strength, and mental clarity. However, bear in mind that some individuals might find the energy of the stone too stimulating, leading to restlessness.

To sidestep possible discomfort, you might want to position the Tiger’s Eye on a nightstand or beneath your pillow, avoiding direct skin contact. This way, you can still benefit from the stone’s energy without it causing any disruptions to your sleep. As with any crystal, you should also consider zodiac sign compatibility, potential discomfort, and allergies or sensitivities before placing Tiger’s Eye under your pillow.

The Power of Tiger Eye for Sleep

Person holding a Tiger's Eye crystal for meditation

Tiger Eye Crystal, also known as tiger eye stone or tiger’s eye gemstone, is known for its range of healing properties, including improving sleep quality, reducing nightmares, and calming the mind. Aligning and harmonizing with the root chakra, solar plexus chakra, and sacral chakra, this potent grounding stone aids in soothing the mind, concentrating thoughts, and absorbing excess energy.

The result? A more tranquil mind, better sleeping habits, and a good night’s rest as you easily fall asleep.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Enhancing your sleep quality is possible with Tiger’s Eye due to its grounding and calming properties. These characteristics help to calm the mind while facilitating more restful and uninterrupted sleep.

Additionally, Tiger’s Eye is renowned for keeping individuals grounded, confident, and motivated, which can further contribute to a superior sleep experience.

Reduced Nightmares

This powerful stone can help reduce nightmares by dispelling negative energy and encouraging positive thoughts. Tiger’s Eye restores balance to the solar plexus and sacral chakras, removing negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

Furthermore, it is also believed to possess natural protective qualities, shielding you from the effects of the Evil Eye when worn on the left wrist.

Calming the Mind

Tiger’s Eye works its calming magic by reducing anxiety and promoting mental clarity. The red Tiger’s Eye, in particular, is known to help manage anxiety by soothing the nervous system, resulting in a relaxed body and mind.

Interacting with the body’s energy fields and balancing the solar plexus chakra and root chakra, Blue Tiger Eye instills a sense of calm and balance, alleviating anxiety and fostering peace.

Proper Placement: Where to put Tiger’s Eye in the Bedroom?

Tiger's Eye bracelet placed on a bedside table

To fully harness the sleep benefits of Tiger’s Eye, ensure to strategically place the stone within your bedroom. Whether you choose to place it under your pillow, beside your bed, or combine it with other crystals, the correct placement can help you harness the full power of Tiger’s Eye for a restful slumber.

Tiger’s Eye Under the Pillow

Placing Tiger’s Eye directly under your pillow enables you to directly benefit from the stone’s energy. This can supply energy to the mind and body, enabling improved sleep and protection from negative energies. However, it’s essential to use a tumbled piece of Tiger’s Eye instead of raw material to ensure comfort and safety during sleep.

Tiger’s Eye Beside the Bed

Positioning Tiger’s Eye beside your bed can provide a more subtle energy influence. This can still offer the calming and grounding benefits of the stone without causing potential discomfort or restlessness.

Simply place a tumbled piece of Tiger’s Eye or a tiger eye bracelet on your nightstand or bedside table to harness its soothing energy as you drift off to sleep.

Combining Tiger’s Eye with Other Crystals

Amplify the effects of Tiger’s Eye by combining it with other crystals for sleep enhancement. Some popular combinations include Tiger’s Eye with Amethyst for tranquility, Fluorite for mental clarity, or Lapis Lazuli for spiritual growth.

Experiment with various crystal pairings to find the perfect synergy that suits your unique sleep needs and preferences.

Caring for Your Tiger’s Eye Stone

Tiger's Eye stone being cleansed under running water

Maintaining your Tiger’s Eye stone’s energy and effectiveness demands proper care. This includes cleansing, charging, and storage of the stone.

By taking care of your Tiger’s Eye, you can ensure that it remains a powerful tool for promoting restful sleep and shielding you from negative energies when you wear tiger eye bracelet.

Cleansing Techniques

Maintaining the energy and effectiveness of your Tiger’s Eye stone necessitates regular cleansing. Techniques for cleansing Tiger’s Eye include using water, moonlight, or smudging with sage or palo santo. Each method has its own benefits, and it’s important to choose the one that resonates best with your personal preferences and beliefs.

When cleansing with water, wash your hands thoroughly before submerging the stone under running water for a few minutes. Alternatively, cleanse your Tiger’s Eye by placing it under the light of the moon overnight, preferably during a full moon to reap the maximum benefits. If you prefer smudging, simply ignite a sage or palo santo bundle and allow the smoke to envelop your stone, visualizing the smoke purifying and cleansing the energy of the Tiger’s Eye.

Charging Your Stone

You can charge your Tiger’s Eye stone by either burying it in soil, leaving it under moonlight, or using other crystals like Selenite or Clear Quartz.

These methods help to cleanse and recharge the stone’s energy, allowing it to continue providing its powerful healing properties, including physical healing properties, and protection from negative energies.

Storing Your Stone

Storing your Tiger’s Eye in a safe and clean environment is crucial for maintaining its energy and effectiveness. Keep your stone separate from other jewelry pieces to prevent any potential damage, and wrap it in a soft cloth or store it in a jewelry box to protect it from scratches.

Proper storage will ensure that your Tiger’s Eye remains a powerful tool for promoting restful sleep and shielding you from negative energies.

Tiger’s Eye Under Pillow: Precautions and Considerations

Before you place Tiger’s Eye under your pillow, remember to consider certain precautions. These include zodiac sign compatibility, potential discomfort, and allergies or sensitivities.

By being mindful of these factors, you can ensure that you’re using Tiger’s Eye in a way that is both safe and effective for promoting restful sleep.

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Some zodiac signs may not be compatible with Tiger’s Eye energy and should use caution when incorporating the stone into their sleep routine. For example, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius zodiac signs are not compatible with Tiger’s Eye stone. These signs may experience a feeling of strangeness, disturbance, or discomfort when wearing or coming in contact with Tiger’s Eye due to the conflicting energies of the ruling planets of the stone (Sun and Mars).

Potential Discomfort

Potential discomfort may arise from the stone’s physical presence under the pillow or its stimulating energy. To avoid potential issues, consider:

  • Placing the stone on a nightstand or beneath the pillow without direct skin contact
  • If you experience restlessness or sleep disturbances, it’s best to remove the stone
  • Consult with a knowledgeable practitioner to determine if Tiger’s Eye is the right choice for you

Allergies and Sensitivities

Be aware of any allergies or sensitivities to the stone or its components before using Tiger’s Eye under your pillow. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to Tiger’s Eye, such as skin irritation or rashes. If you suspect that you have an allergy or sensitivity to the stone, it’s best to consult with a knowledgeable practitioner to determine if Tiger’s Eye is the right choice for you.

Maximizing the Benefits of Tiger’s Eye for Sleep

Aromatherapy oils and Tiger's Eye crystal on a nightstand

Maximizing the sleep benefits of Tiger’s Eye involves incorporating meditation, aromatherapy pairings, and a consistent bedtime routine. These practices can help you harness the full power of Tiger’s Eye and create a soothing sleep environment that promotes restful and rejuvenating slumber.

Meditation and Visualization

Meditating and visualizing with Tiger’s Eye can enhance its sleep benefits by helping you focus on your intentions and tap into the stone’s calming energy. Hold the stone in your hand or place it under your pillow, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax.

As you meditate, visualize your desires and imagine yourself embodying these traits, including self confidence, as if they are occurring presently.

Aromatherapy Pairings

Pairing Tiger’s Eye with calming aromatherapy scents can create a soothing sleep environment that promotes restful slumber. Popular essential oils for sleep include lavender, chamomile, and bergamot. Add a few drops of these oils to a diffuser or mix them with a carrier oil and apply them to your pulse points before bed.

The combination of the calming scent of the essential oils and the serene energy of Tiger’s Eye can aid in achieving a peaceful night’s sleep.

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help improve sleep quality and incorporate Tiger’s Eye effectively into your nightly ritual. This routine could include meditation with Tiger’s Eye, aromatherapy, and other relaxation techniques that signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

By creating a calming atmosphere and regularly practicing these habits, you’ll be well on your way to a restful night’s sleep with the help of Tiger’s Eye.

Know More About Tiger’s Eye

Exploring the world of Tiger’s Eye involves understanding who should avoid it, how to recharge it, and the various ways to utilize it for maximum benefits.

By learning more about this powerful stone, you can ensure that you’re using it to its full potential and experiencing its numerous healing properties.

Who Should Not Wear Tiger’s Eye Stone?

Certain zodiac signs may not be suitable for wearing Tiger’s Eye due to potential energy conflicts. As previously mentioned, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius zodiac signs are not compatible with Tiger’s Eye and should use caution when incorporating the stone into their daily lives.

How to Recharge Tiger’s Eye?

Recharge your Tiger’s Eye by exposing it to moonlight, burying it in soil, or using other crystals such as Selenite or Clear Quartz. These methods help cleanse and recharge the stone’s energy, allowing it to continue providing its powerful healing properties and protection from negative energies.

Remember to recharge your protective stone regularly to ensure it remains an effective tool for promoting restful sleep and shielding you from negative energies.

How to Use Tiger’s Eye Crystal?

Tiger’s Eye can be used in various ways to harness its benefits, such as wearing it as jewelry, incorporating it into meditation practices, or using it as a decorative piece in your home. By exploring the different ways to use Tiger’s Eye, you can find the method that resonates most with you and helps you tap into the stone’s powerful healing properties.


In conclusion, Tiger’s Eye is a powerful tool for promoting restful sleep, reducing nightmares, and calming the mind. With proper care and placement, you can harness the full potential of this ancient talisman to enhance your sleep quality and protect your dreams. Remember to consider zodiac sign compatibility, potential discomfort, and allergies or sensitivities before incorporating Tiger’s Eye into your sleep routine. By combining meditation, aromatherapy pairings, and a consistent bedtime routine, you can unlock the full power of Tiger’s Eye and experience a more restful and rejuvenating slumber.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tiger’s Eye Stone

Is it good to sleep with Tigers Eye near you?

As Tiger’s Eye contains potentially harmful asbestos, it is best to avoid prolonged exposure to this stone in the bedroom as it may be too stimulating and cause restlessness.

How do you activate Tiger Eye crystal?

To activate Tiger Eye crystal, place it in your hand, relax your body, take 5 deep breaths, and visualize its vibrant energy flowing through you.

When should you not wear Tigers Eye?

If your Zodiac sign is Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, or Aquarius, it is not recommended to wear a Tigers Eye as the star and planets associated with this stone clash with the planets that rule these zodiac signs.

How do I cleanse and recharge my Tiger’s Eye stone?

Cleanse your Tiger’s Eye with water, moonlight, or smudging with sage or palo santo. Recharge it by exposing it to moonlight, burying it in soil, or using other crystals such as Selenite or Clear Quartz.

Are there any zodiac signs that should not use Tiger’s Eye?

Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius should avoid using Tiger’s Eye as it is not compatible with these zodiac signs.