Peach moonstone meaning: Everything you need to know about peach moonstone

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Peach moonstone is a semi-precious gemstone that is oval in shape. These are very ancient stones that people have been using for spiritual purposes. The strong connection to the moon makes it ideal for those who are looking to connect with their feminine side or intuition. Peach moonstone’s meaning comes from its soft, feminine energy that helps to ease stress and anxiety.

The softness that peach moonstone possess is natural and unique. They are used by holding the stone in their hands and gently rubbing it with the thumb. This leads to a feeling of calm and peace and lets the stone do its magic.

In this article, there is everything that you need to know about the Peach moonstone gemstone. This will help you make the right decision about when and how to own it, how to use it and how to take care of the peach moonstone. Let’s begin!

Peach moonstone meaning

Peach moonstone’s meaning is derived from its deep connection to the moon. This stone is said to be a talisman of good fortune and is also known to bring peace, harmony, and balance. Peach moonstone meaning stands for love, happiness, and peace. It is also said that the stone will bring good luck, luck in love, happiness, and prosperity in life. 

Peach Moonstone is a very popular stone in astrology because of its connection to the moon. This stone will bring good fortune to all people who choose to use it as their stone. Peach Moonstone means that you are not just a lover but you are also a true friend. This stone is also known as the traveller’s stone as it has been considered an amulet of protection since ancient times. 

Peach moonstone brings calm and peace during times of stress and can be used to ease anxiety and nerves. The peach moonstone is also said to enhance psychic abilities and to bring clarity and insight during meditation. It is an excellent stone for scrying and can be used to access the Akashic Records. 

The energy of peach moonstone is said to be very soothing and feminine. It is a stone that can be used by anyone regardless of their gender. Moonstone is also said to be a stone of love and is associated with the goddess Venus and promotes love and harmony.

What is peach moonstone

Peach Moonstone is a famous variety of the moonstone family. As the name suggests, the colour of peach moonstone is peach but it can also be found in other colours. The variety of peach moonstone is usually found in mild orangish-red colour. This stone is made by mixing titanium dioxide with feldspar. The mixture is then pressed into a hard-walled clay and baked at a temperature of around 400 degrees F.

Peach Moonstones are usually found in the form of an oval shape and are polished with tungsten carbide. The stones are hollow and can be used for making jewellery ornaments.

Peach Moonstone has been used in the past as medicine and astrological stone because of its use in the creation and preservation of love life. It is also known to have spiritual properties that help people in their spiritual journey. Peach Moonstone is also a popular stone among astrologers because they believe that it will bring good luck if one chooses to choose it as his/her stone.

Peach moonstone meaning

History and origin of peach moonstone

As mentioned, Peach moonstone is a form of moonstone gemstone and has been around since ancient times and was famously known for its spiritual properties.

The Romans would carry moonstones with them when they went to battle for protection. The Peach moonstone was also a very popular gemstone in ancient Greece because it was said to bring the wearer good luck. The first recorded use of peach moonstone was in the late 19th century. 

Moonstone is found in a variety of locations all over the world including Brazil, Sri Lanka, Australia, Madagascar, and the United States. 

Peach moonstone is a type of feldspar and is related to labradorite and sunstone. Feldspar is the most common mineral on Earth and makes up 60% of the Earth’s crust. 

The name moonstone is derived from the Greek word for moon, Selene. Moonstone has been used in a variety of ways throughout history. It has been used as a talisman, amulet, and jewellery. It is also a popular stone for carving. 

Moonstone is said to be a stone of new beginnings and is associated with the moon. It is a stone of protection but is also said to bring good luck.

Peach moonstone meaning and chakra connection

The peach moonstone is said to be very helpful in balancing the chakras. It is known to be particularly helpful in balancing the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the element of Water and is said to be the centre of emotions and desires. 

This chakra is said to be responsible for our creativity, sexuality, and fertility. When this chakra is out of balance, we may experience emotional instability, sexual dysfunction, and creative blocks. The peach moonstone is said to be very helpful in balancing the Sacral Chakra and restoring harmony and balance. It also helps in attracting new love and abundance into one’s life. 

Moonstones are generally associated with the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It is associated with spirituality and connection with the divine. 

The third eye chakra is located in the centre of the forehead. It is associated with intuition and psychic abilities. When these chakras are open and in balance, it is said that one can achieve a state of enlightenment. 

Peach moonstone helps in keeping both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra aligned and in balance. This stone becomes the best choice when one wants to achieve a state of spiritual enlightenment and psychic abilities. It also helps to connect with the feminine side and is said to be helpful in restoring trust and harmony in relationships.

Healing properties of peach moonstone

The peach moonstone is said to be a very powerful healing stone. It is known to relieve stress and anxiety, and to bring peace and harmony. It is also said to be helpful in treating insomnia and promoting restful sleep. Its healing properties range from emotional and physical to spiritual benefits.

Peach moonstone meaning

Physical healing properties of peach moonstone

The peach moonstone is said to be helpful in treating a number of physical conditions. These include

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Nervousness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Infertility
  • Menopause

Peach Moonstone is an excellent stone for getting relief from insomnia. It helps in improving sleep quality and also reduces anxiety and stress levels. 

The peach moonstone is also said to be helpful in treating digestive disorders. It reduces the symptoms of indigestion and also helps in balancing the hormones.

This stone helps with treating menstrual cramps and fertility-related issues. It helps in reducing the pain and also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and keeping the overall reproductive system in order.

The peach moonstone is also said to be helpful in treating infertility. It helps in balancing the hormones and also helps in improving the egg quality. Problems related to menopause are also believed to be healed by the Peach moonstone.

Emotional healing properties of peach moonstone

The peach moonstone is also said to be very helpful in treating emotional conditions. These include

  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Fear
  • insecurity

Peach moonstone possesses multiple emotional healing benefits. It is a transformative stone. Those with issues related to depression, grief, anger, jealousy, fear and insecurity can find peach moonstone helpful. 

For those finding it difficult in letting go of the past wounds and are stuck with them, peach moonstone will help them in overcoming these hindrances smoothly. 

Peach moonstone is said to help bring in calm and peace while promoting feelings of love and self-worth. It can also help to get rid of any negative emotions that may be holding you back. If you are looking for a way to help heal your emotions, peach moonstone may be the perfect stone for you.

This stone acts as a stone of hope. During the dark times, when you are not able to find a way, this stone comes through as a ray of hope by giving you the confidence and the ability to handle the most difficult situation.

It is known as the stone of clarity. There are times when making a decision becomes difficult and there is no clear choice. Peace moonstone is that one stone that helps clear the mind from all the confusion and shows a straight path. Along with your psychic abilities, your intuition also becomes stronger. 

Moonstone is also said to be a stone of new beginnings, so if you are going through a tough time emotionally, it can be a great stone to help you start to rebuild your life.

Spiritual and metaphysical healing properties of peach moonstone

The peach moonstone is also said to have spiritual and metaphysical healing properties. These include

  • enhancing psychic abilities
  • bringing clarity and insight during meditation
  • accessing the Akashic Records
  • aiding in astral travel
  • promoting peace and harmony

Peach moonstone has similar metaphysical properties as the other gemstones in the moonstone family. It is a stone of inner guidance and intuition. It helps in connecting with your subconscious mind and accessing your true feelings, emotions, and desires. It also helps in gaining a better understanding of your spiritual path.

Benefits of peach moonstone 

  • Peach moonstone soothes the mind and emotions
  • It helps in connecting with the feminine side
  • It balances the emotions and is helpful in times of stress
  • It is said to promote self-love and acceptance
  • Peach moonstone is also said to be helpful in restoring trust and harmony in relationships
  • It enhances creativity and imagination
  • It is said to be helpful in attracting new love and abundance into one’s life
  • It is believed to be helpful in protecting against negative energy
  • A powerful stone for new beginnings, peach moonstone is said to bring good luck and fortune
  • Peach moonstone can assist in manifesting one’s desires and goals
  • Peach moonstone can help to heal the heart

How to use peach moonstone

There is no right or wrong way to use a peach moonstone but below are a few use cases where the peach moonstone can be best used to get the maximum benefits.

1. Peach moonstone as a jewellery

This stone is famously used as jewellery. When worn as jewellery, it remains closer to the body and maximum benefits can be gained. It can be worn as a bracelet, necklace, ring or earrings. It can also be combined with other stones to enhance its overall healing properties.

Peach moonstone is a popular choice for jewellery as it is said to be helpful in promoting self-love and acceptance. It is also said to be helpful in restoring trust and harmony in relationships.

How to use peach moonstone

2. Peach moonstone for crystal therapy

Crystal therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses stones and crystals to cure various physical and mental ailments. It is believed that each stone has unique healing properties that can be harnessed to treat specific conditions. Crystal therapy can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment or as a standalone therapy. Peach moonstone can be used for crystal therapy for treating certain types of conditions.

3. Peach moonstone for meditation

Meditation is a technique that is used to focus and quiet the mind. It is believed that when the mind is quiet, one can connect with their higher self and achieve a state of inner peace. Meditation can be done with or without the use of stones and crystals. However, many people find that using peach moonstone crystals can help to enhance the meditation experience.

4. Peach moonstone for feng shui

Feng shui is a Chinese philosophy that believes that the placement of objects in a space can affect the flow of energy (chi) in that space. Peach moonstone is a perfect crystal to be placed in those corners of the house. This, in turn, can impact the health and well-being of the people who occupy that space. Placing this stone in the home or workplace can create a more positive and productive environment.

5. Peach moonstone for fertility

It is said that peach moonstone can be helpful in boosting fertility. This is because it is thought to balance the hormones and help to regulate the menstrual cycle. It is also said to be supportive during pregnancy and childbirth.

6. Peach moonstone for chakra balancing

The chakras are the seven main energy centres of the body. Each chakra is associated with a different area of the body and with different functions. It is believed that when the chakras are in balance, the body and mind are in balance. Chakra balancing can be done using stones and crystals. Peach moonstone is associated with the sacral chakra, which is located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, and fertility.

7. Peach moonstone for sleep

It is said that peach moonstone can be helpful in promoting sleep. This is because it is thought to be soothing and calming. Keeping a piece of peach moonstone near the bed or under the pillow is said to be helpful in achieving deep and restful sleep.

How to cleanse peach moonstone

1. Cleanse peach moonstone with running water

The most common way to cleanse stones and crystals is with running water. This can be done using a sink, shower, or even a natural body of water such as a river or stream. It is important to make sure that the stone is completely submerged. Allow the stone to soak for a few minutes before taking it out.

2. Cleanse peach moonstone with salt water

Another popular way to cleanse stones is with salt water. This method is especially effective for removing negative energy. To cleanse a stone with salt water, add a handful of salt to a bowl of water and stir to dissolve. Add the stone to the water and allow it to soak for a few minutes. Rinse the stone off with fresh water and allow it to air dry.

3. Cleanse peach moonstone with sunlight

Sunlight is also a great way to cleanse stones and crystals. This method is especially effective for charging stones with positive energy. To cleanse a stone with sunlight, simply place it in direct sunlight for a few hours. Make sure the stone is not placed in direct sunlight for long durations.

4. Cleanse peach moonstone with moonlight

Moonlight is also said to be effective for cleansing and charging stones. Moonlight is also very gentle and harmless for the gemstone. This method is especially effective during a full moon. To cleanse a stone with moonlight, simply place it in direct moonlight for a few hours. You may also choose to place it overnight and it is ready to use it next morning.

5. Cleanse peach moonstone with sage

Sage is a sacred herb that has been used for centuries for cleansing and purification. To cleanse a stone with sage, simply hold the sage stick close to the stone and allow the smoke to surround it.

6. Using smoke from incense sticks

This is one of the oldest methods for cleansing stones and crystals. It is believed that the smoke from incense sticks can help to remove negative energy from a space. To cleanse a stone with incense smoke, simply hold the incense stick close to the stone and allow the smoke to surround it.

7. Cleanse peach moonstone by burying it underground

This is a very effective way of cleansing stones and crystals. It is believed that when a stone is buried in the earth, it absorbs negative energy and is cleansed. To cleanse a stone by burying it, simply dig a hole in the ground and bury the stone. Leave it for 24 hours before digging it up again and using it.

Zodiac of peach moonstone

​​Peach moonstone is connected to the zodiac sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign and is associated with the element of water. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is said to be a very emotional sign. People who are born under the sign of Cancer are said to be very nurturing and caring. They are also said to be very intuitive and in touch with their feelings.

Best crystal combination with peach moonstone

1. Peach moonstone + rose quartz 

Rose quartz is a stone of love and compassion. This stone is known for attracting and maintaining love relationships. It is also said to be helpful in promoting self-love and self-acceptance. When combined with peach moonstone, these stones create a powerful combination that attracts and maintains love. 

2. Peach moonstone + amethyst 

Amethyst is a stone of protection and purification. It wards off negative energy and protects against psychic attacks. It is also said to be helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. When peach moonstone and amethyst are brought together, these stones create a powerful combination for emotional balance and protection. 

3. Peach moonstone + citrine 

Citrine is a stone of abundance and prosperity. This stone attracts wealth and brings abundance into one’s life. It promotes creativity and imagination. When combined with peach moonstone, these stones create a powerful combination for attracting new opportunities and abundance.

Other FAQs

Is peach moonstone a real gemstone?

Yes, Peach moonstone is a real gemstone. It is a variety of feldspar that exhibits a peach or pink colour. It is found in Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

Is peach moonstone rare?

Peach moonstone is not a rare gemstone.It is found in abundance in some parts of the world. It is commonly used as jewellery and decorative items.

What are the differences between peach moonstone and moonstone?

The main difference between peach moonstone and moonstone is the colour. Peach moonstone is peach or pink in colour, while moonstone is colourless or white.The properties of these two gemstones are also slightly different. Peach moonstone is said to have calming and soothing properties, while moonstone is said to have energising and balancing properties.

What are the physical properties of peach moonstone? 

Peach moonstone is a variety of feldspar. It has a Mohs hardness of 6 and a specific gravity of 2.6-2.8. The refractive index of peach moonstone is 1.524-1.526.

The chemical composition of peach moonstone is potassium aluminium silicate.

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