Can Moldavite Go in Water? Essential Tips for Safe Crystal Care

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Yes, you can submerge your moldavite in water, but can moldavite go in water for extended periods? Whether you’re aiming to cleanse its energy or simply ensure it sparkles, this article navigates the dos and don’ts of introducing your moldavite to water. We’ll guide you through the safe practices that safeguard your stone’s integrity, providing peace of mind as you care for your cosmic treasure.

Key Takeaways

  • Moldavite is a gemstone formed from a meteorite impact 14.7 million years ago and has a natural connection with water, which can enhance its energetic properties without damaging the crystal.
  • Submerging moldavite in water is safe and beneficial for cleansing the stone, but salt water should be avoided and precautions must be taken to prevent loss of the stone during the cleansing process.
  • Moldavite can be cleansed with tap or fresh running water to remove impurities and negative energy, while it should be kept away from prolonged sun exposure to prevent color loss.
  • Alternative methods to cleanse moldavite without water include using moonlight, burying it in the earth, or smudging with sage, which can maintain or enhance the stone’s metaphysical properties.

Is Moldavite Water Safe?

Yes, moldavite is safe in water as it is non-porous and does not absorb moisture.

Moldavite pendant in water
Moldavite pendant in water

When it comes to treasures as precious as moldavite, the first question that often ripples through one’s mind is about its resilience. Can this star-born stone withstand the embrace of water? Rest assured, moldavite’s non-porous nature means it does not absorb water, safeguarding it against the whims of moisture and humidity.

Whether you’re adorning a moldavite pendant while showering or taking a plunge in the pool with your moldavite necklace, this gemstone remains unscathed, ready to accompany you in every splash and every cleanse.

Can Moldavite Go In Salt Water?

No, moldavite should not be placed in salt water as it can damage the stone’s surface.

Imagine your moldavite jewelry gleaming under the sun as you stroll along a sandy beach. Tempting as it may be to wade into the salt water with your gemstone glistening, caution is key. The erosive nature of salt water can be unkind to moldavite, potentially damaging its lustrous charm.

It’s best to let your moldavite bask in the sun’s glory from the safety of your beach towel, away from the abrasive kiss of the ocean’s waves.

Can Moldavite Go In Tap Water?

Yes, moldavite can safely be placed in tap water for cleansing purposes.

Turning from the sea to the sink, one wonders if the humble tap water holds any peril for moldavite. The soothing flow from your faucet is a sanctuary for your genuine moldavite, offering a safe haven for cleansing and reinvigorating your precious stone. Whether you’re gently rinsing a moldavite pendant or preparing for a moldavite flush ritual, tap water is your ally, cradling your gemstone in its pure embrace.

Can Moldavite Go In the Sun?

Yes, moldavite can be placed in the sun for short periods, particularly during the gentle morning light, to cleanse and charge it without causing color loss.

As celestial as moldavite’s origin may be, it shares a fragile kinship with the sun. While basking in the gentle morning rays can cleanse and dry this green meteorite, it’s important to shield it from the sun’s full intensity. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to a loss of moldavite’s vibrant color, dulling the very essence that captures our gaze.

So, let your moldavite soak in the sun’s energy, but only in brief, tender moments to preserve its cosmic beauty.

Can Moldavite Go In Salt?

No, moldavite should not be placed in salt as it can damage the stone’s surface.

As we navigate the waters of care for our moldavite, a granular threat looms – that of salt. This crystalline substance, while essential to life, can act as an abrasive to moldavite’s surface. Just as the ocean’s salt water poses a risk, dry salt can also scratch and mar the lustrous surface of your gemstone.

To maintain the integrity of your moldavite, it’s best to keep it away from any salt, whether in a dish or sprinkled across a surface.

Moldavite and Water: A Natural Connection

Moldavite crystal immersed in water
Moldavite crystal immersed in water

A product of the cosmos, genuine moldavite was sculpted into existence millions of years ago through a meteorite impact. The molten rock, scattered across regions, solidified into a unique gemstone. This celestial birth is only the beginning of the story, as a moldavite necklace or a moldavite pendant showcases this cosmic wonder.

The textured surface of moldavite, a distinctive characteristic, is a testament to its long-standing relationship with water. The etching on the stone’s surface, a result of exposure to naturally occurring carbon dioxide and humic acids in groundwater over time, makes each piece of moldavite jewelry a unique testament to the power of nature.

Moldavite Formation and Water’s Role

A meteorite impact event approximately 14.7 million years ago was the catalyst for the formation of moldavite. The immense heat and pressure from the meteorite impact melted materials, which solidified in the air to create the tektite we now treasure as moldavite.

The molten rock was shaped and distributed across regions, a process significantly influenced by water.

The Energetic Relationship Between Moldavite and Water

Moldavite pendant with water droplets
Moldavite pendant with water droplets

Besides its role in the formation of moldavite, water also enhances the gem’s energetic properties. Activating and cleansing moldavite, a process crucially facilitated by water, heightens the crystal’s positive energy. Creating an environment that mimics moldavite’s natural habitat can prevent the deterioration of its energetic power.

This bond between moldavite and water is a reminder of our connection to the elements and the world around us, a connection that is integral to the practice of crystal healing and harnessing the power of a crystal’s energy for spiritual growth.

How to Cleanse Moldavite With Water?

Cleansing moldavite with running water
Cleansing moldavite with running water

The process of cleansing moldavite with water, though straightforward, involves a few key steps for correct execution. Before beginning the process, it is advisable to remove moldavite from any settings or jewelry to ensure it can be thoroughly cleansed without damaging the settings or other gemstones. Start by placing the moldavite under lukewarm running water to rinse away any negative energy and contaminants.

Alternatively, you can place the moldavite into a bowl of pure still water, preferably distilled or rainwater if available, to avoid any chemicals found in tap water. Remember, the water should not be too hot or too cold to prevent any thermal shock that could cause fractures in the stone.

Preparation for Water Cleansing

The success of water cleansing heavily depends on the proper preparation of your moldavite. Disengage moldavite from any mountings or settings before water cleansing to prevent damage to the jewelry. Also, consider the water source.

While tap water is acceptable, water from a natural source such as a river or stream is preferred for cleansing moldavite.

Water Cleansing Methods

Moldavite being cleansed under running water
Moldavite being cleansed under running water

There are a few effective methods for water cleansing your moldavite. One of the most popular methods involves cleansing moldavite under a stream of running water, whether it’s tap water or from a natural source. Running water, be it from a natural spring or the tap in your home, has long been revered for its purifying properties. As it cascades over your moldavite, imagine the stream carrying away all unwanted energies, leaving behind only the crystal’s pure, vibrant essence. This visualization not only enhances the cleansing process but also deepens your connection to the stone, affirming the powerful way in which water can renew and rejuvenate your treasured gemstone.

Another method involves soaking moldavite in fresh water for approximately an hour to cleanse the crystal of negative energies. Utilizing river water for cleaning moldavite is a traditional approach that can clear impurities and contribute to the purity of the crystal’s energy.

Drying Moldavite After Water Cleansing

After cleansing, remove the moldavite from the water and gently pat it dry with a soft, dry cloth to avoid scratching or damaging its surface. It is then important to allow the moldavite to air dry completely before storing or using it again to avoid any moisture retention that could damage the stone. Avoid using any heat source to speed up the drying process as it may cause damage to the moldavite.

To prevent any potential damage to the crystal, it’s important to dry the moldavite thoroughly after water cleansing.

Benefits of Cleansing Moldavite with Water

Moldavite submerged in cleansing water
Moldavite submerged in cleansing water

Moldavite’s natural affinity to water makes it an ideal medium for cleansing the gemstone. The high-frequency energy carried by moldavite is further elevated when the stone is exposed to water, aligning with its natural origins. The water can effectively remove previously absorbed negative energies and reenergize the crystal.

Running water, in particular, is efficient for water cleansing as it washes away unwanted energy and other unwanted energies from moldavite within a few minutes.

Precautions When Using Water with Moldavite

Despite the beneficial relationship between water and moldavite, certain precautions are advised. For instance, it is not recommended to use salt water when cleansing moldavite as it is generally not recommended for use with crystals. Also, when cleansing your moldavite with water, ensure you choose a secure location to prevent the stone from being lost.

These precautions will ensure the integrity of your moldavite while maximizing the benefits of water cleansing.

How to Cleanse Moldavite Without Water?

Yet, water is not the sole guardian of purity. There are times and places where water may not be the preferred medium for cleansing moldavite. Whether due to practical constraints or personal preference, alternative methods stand ready to serve.

Some practices for purifying your moldavite include:

  • Basking it in the soothing rays of the moon
  • Smudging it with sage to clear any negative energy
  • Visualizing a bright white light surrounding the moldavite and cleansing it
  • Burying it in the earth for a period of time to ground and recharge it

These practices offer a diverse palette of cleansing methods for purifying your real moldavite.

Crystal Pairings

The synergy of stones is a wonder to behold. When moldavite is paired with other crystals, its transformative energy is amplified, resonating with the frequencies of both the heart and higher chakras. Some powerful combinations include:

  • Moldavite and rose quartz for gentle love and healing
  • Moldavite and lepidolite for soothing serenity and emotional balance
  • Moldavite and blue kyanite for spiritual alignment and communication

These combinations can lead to profound spiritual growth and alignment.

By thoughtfully selecting companions for your moldavite, such as healing crystals, based on their unique properties and your own journey, you can create a healing ensemble that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Sunlight Cleansing

Moldavite exposed to sunlight for cleansing
Moldavite exposed to sunlight for cleansing

Sunlight also proves to be a potent force in the process of cleansing and activating moldavite. Here’s how you can cleanse and activate moldavite using sunlight:

  1. Expose moldavite to sunlight for about an hour to cleanse it and infuse it with revitalized energies.
  2. However, it’s important to note that moldavite should not be left in sunlight for extended periods, especially after water cleansing, to prevent potential fading of its color.
  3. Morning sunlight, with its lower intensity, is recommended for cleansing moldavite to avoid color fading.

After cleansing, placing moldavite in sunlight can benefit the drying process, ensuring it is kept in a secure area where it won’t be disturbed.

Sound Cleansing

The ancient practice of sound healing involves using sound vibrations to cleanse and activate healing crystals. This technique has been used for a long time. Crystal or Tibetan singing bowls can be used for sound cleansing, which can effectively clear moldavite and is considered one of the best methods for cleansing stones.

This method can be a powerful way to recharge and cleanse your moldavite, aligning it with the frequencies of the universe, and experiencing a moldavite flush.

How to Charge Moldavite?

A cleansed moldavite is a blank canvas, ready to absorb and radiate the energies you wish to invite into your life. Charging this gemstone is an intimate ritual, a time to focus on the stone’s energy and imbue it with your intentions.

While the sun’s rays can serve this purpose, the moon offers a different kind of power – a subtle, yet profound, energy that aligns with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos, similar to a crystal’s energy.

Charging Moldavite with Lunar Energy

Charging moldavite under the full moon
Charging moldavite under the full moon

The moon, with its quiet luminescence, is an ally in the journey of charging moldavite. Its gentle light, especially during the full moon, can enhance the stone’s properties, enveloping it in an aura of mystic power. To harness this lunar energy, place your moldavite in a bowl of water under the moon’s glow. As the night wears on, the moon’s rays will caress the stone, charging it with an energy that is both gentle and potent.

And just as the moon sets and the dawn approaches, retrieve your moldavite, now pulsating with an energy aligned with the celestial dance of the heavens.

Proper Care for Wet Moldavite

The ritual of cleansing moldavite with water can be both a transformative and a tender process. As the water droplets glide off its surface, the stone may appear more radiant, more alive. However, even in this state of purity, moldavite requires a gentle hand and an attentive eye. Handling the wet stone calls for caution, as its edges may be sharp, and its structure more vulnerable.

Drying Techniques

Drying wet moldavite with a soft cloth
Drying wet moldavite with a soft cloth

The act of drying your moldavite is just as important as the cleansing itself. After rinsing the stone, take the following steps to ensure proper drying:

  1. Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth to carefully pat the surface, absorbing the water without scratching the glassy exterior.
  2. Perform this drying process meticulously to prevent unsightly water spots.
  3. Ensure that the unique etchings and contours of your moldavite remain as pristine as the day they were formed from the heavens.

Potential Issues

In your quest to protect and preserve your moldavite, beware the siren call of convenience. Ultrasonic cleaners and the direct rays of the midday sun may promise swift drying, but they bring with them the risk of discoloration and potential structural damage. The brittle nature of moldavite, especially when wet, makes it vulnerable to physical impact and the altering effects of mineral-rich waters. Such conditions can distort the stone’s etchings, diminishing both its energy and aesthetic.

When to Avoid Water Exposure for Moldavite

As we navigate the waters of moldavite maintenance, it is wise to also recognize the moments when this stone should be left untouched by water.

One such time is during the restful embrace of sleep. For some, the vibrational energy of moldavite can disrupt the tranquility of slumber, leading to restlessness and unwanted energy. Therefore, before you surrender to the night, consider removing your moldavite jewelry, creating a serene environment for rest and rejuvenation.

Caring for Moldavite Jewelry

Maintaining your moldavite jewelry extends beyond sporadic cleaning. Moldavite jewelry is safe to wear in water, and its energy will not be easily washed away. However, caution should be exercised by removing moldavite jewelry before high-intensity water activities to prevent potential damage.

Despite the lack of specific cleansing information, moldavite jewelry should be cleaned cautiously and gently to avoid damage. Care should also be taken when charging moldavite jewelry, and further research or expert consultation is recommended due to a lack of detailed instructions.

Wearing Moldavite Jewelry in Water

Whether you are heading for a shower or a swim in the ocean, you can safely wear your moldavite jewelry. Moldavite jewelry is considered safe to wear while taking a shower. It is also safe to swim with moldavite jewelry in the ocean, as the salt water does not damage the gemstone.

No specific precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of the stone while wearing moldavite jewelry in the shower or ocean.

Cleansing and Charging Moldavite Jewelry

Moldavite jewelry being charged with moonlight
Moldavite jewelry being charged with moonlight

Similar to individual moldavite stones, jewelry made from this gemstone also requires regular cleansing and charging to uphold its aesthetic and energetic qualities. Moldavite jewelry can be cleansed by exposing it to sunlight, submerging it in water, or burying it in soil. If moldavite is part of a jewelry setting, it should be carefully removed if the cleansing method may potentially harm the setting.

After cleansing, charging the moldavite jewelry can be done by utilizing methods such as placing it in moonlight or by exposing it to appropriate sound vibrations.


As we draw our exploration to a close, let us reflect on the journey we’ve embarked upon with our moldavite companions. We’ve traversed the waters of care, from cleansing rituals to charging ceremonies, learning the nuances of preserving this celestial stone’s vibrancy and power. Whether it’s through the gentle flow of tap water, the luminous touch of the moon, or the careful pat of a soft cloth, the care we bestow upon our moldavite is a testament to our respect for its cosmic origins and transformative potential.

Frequently Asked Questions About Moldavite In Water

Can I wear my moldavite pendant while swimming in the ocean?

No, it’s best to avoid wearing your moldavite pendant while swimming in the ocean, as the salt water can erode the stone’s surface. Keep your pendant safe onshore and enjoy the waves.

How long should I expose my moldavite to sunlight for cleansing?

Expose your moldavite to sunlight for about an hour in the morning to avoid discoloration and maintain its energy.

Is it safe to cleanse moldavite with other crystals?

Yes, pairing moldavite with other crystals like rose quartz or lepidolite can provide a harmonious cleansing experience and amplify its energy.

Can I use an ultrasonic cleaner to dry my moldavite?

No, using an ultrasonic cleaner to dry your moldavite is not recommended, as it may cause damage. It’s best to gently dry it with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.

Should I remove my moldavite jewelry before going to bed?

Yes, it’s recommended to remove moldavite jewelry before going to bed to avoid potential disruption of sleep.

Are there other ways to cleanse and activate moldavite?

Yes, you can cleanse and activate moldavite using sunlight, moonlight, and sound vibrations. These methods can be effective alternatives.