Can Citrine Go in Water? Essential Tips for Crystal Care and Maintenance

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Yes, Citrine can go in water. Citrine can be cleansed with the Running Water Method or Moon Water Cleansing, both of which involve the use of water.

Like a ray of golden sunshine, Citrine—a vibrant crystal known for its warm, radiant energy—has been drawing admirers from all corners of the globe for centuries. But what happens when this gemstone comes in contact with water? If you’ve been wondering, “can citrine go in water?” or if you’re curious about the best ways to cleanse and care for this powerful crystal, then you’re in the right place.

From the sparkling depths of its amber hues, the Citrine crystal promises a journey of discovery. As we step into the world of Citrine, we’ll uncover the mystery of its interaction with water, the cleansing rituals that can amplify its energy, and the spiritual practices that can harness its power.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Citrine is resilient and safe in water for limited durations, but prolonged exposure should be avoided.
  • Dry salt can be used to cleanse Citrine, but it must not come into contact with saltwater.
  • Proper care and handling of Citrine are essential to preserving its beauty and effectiveness. Expert advice should always be sought when creating a citrine elixir.

Is Citrine Water Safe?

Citrine crystals in flowing water
Citrine crystals in flowing water

Citrine, also known as the citrine stone, belonging to the quartz family, is a resilient crystal capable of enduring contact with water. Its robust constitution enables it to withstand the cool touch of water without any risk of damage. However, similar to a valuable manuscript that can’t resist the rain, prolonged exposure of Citrine to water, especially saltwater, could harm this usually durable stone. So, can citrine go in water? Yes, but it’s best to avoid prolonged exposure. As a side note, clear quartz, crystalline quartz, and quartz crystals, other members of the quartz family, share similar properties with citrine.

The process of cleaning Citrine in water is comparable to a sacred ritual. The flowing water washes over the Citrine, carrying away any negative energy that the stone has absorbed. But what about different types of water? Does Citrine have a preference?

Can Citrine Go In Salt Water?

Like a princess in a tower, Citrine is safe in its fortress of dry salt. However, saltwater, the castle’s moat, poses a threat to our gemstone princess. Though Citrine can resist the salty grains of dry salt, saltwater can modify the stone’s appearance, leading to minute, unnoticeable damage.

The corrosive character of saltwater interacts with the surface of the Citrine, leading to alterations in its appearance and potentially causing harm to the stone. In contrast, the dry salt, devoid of any damaging liquid, poses no harm to the crystal. Remember, Citrine prefers the desert over the sea.

Can Citrine Go In Tap Water?

Clean and impurity-free tap water serves as a safe refuge for Citrine. Just as a ship can dock safely in calm waters but risks damage in a stormy sea, Citrine can safely dwell in tap water for a limited duration. However, impurities in the water can react with the surface of Citrine, leading to discoloration or cloudiness.

Rest assured, the hardness of tap water won’t impact the integrity of Citrine. Citrine, being a hard stone on the Mohs hardness scale, can confidently endure water contact without fear of damage.

Can Citrine Go In the Sun?

Although Citrine is a sun-bathed gemstone, lengthy exposure to direct sunlight can lead to its fading and loss of vibrant color. Envision a bright painting left under the sun for consecutive days; the previously vibrant colors start to fade, turning the artwork dull and devoid of life. The same scenario plays out with Citrine under the sun’s harsh rays.

The scientific reason behind Citrine’s color loss upon sunlight exposure remains unknown. However, to preserve the vibrant color and value of Citrine, it’s best to store it in a cool, dark place and limit its time basking in the sunlight.

Can Citrine Go In Salt?

If you are contemplating whether it is possible to sprinkle a bit of salt on your Citrine for cleansing purposes, the response is affirmative, but with a caution. Dry salt is safe for Citrine as it does not contain any liquid that could potentially damage the crystal. However, when it comes to saltwater, the water may seep into the quartz crystal and cause it to deteriorate or lose its luster over time.

So, although Citrine can relish a tranquil dip in a dry salt bath, it is advisable to keep it distant from a saltwater swim. Remember, Citrine prefers the sandy shores over the salty sea.

Citrine and Water: What You Need to Know

Citrine immersed in water
Citrine immersed in water

The interaction between Citrine and water is a delicate balance. On one hand, the hardness of Citrine and the absence of any harmful inclusions make it safe for a quick dance in the rain. On the other hand, a lengthy waltz under a waterfall might pose potential risks.

The hardness of Citrine assures it is not easily damaged by water, and it doesn’t contain any elements or sensitivities that render it unfit for exposure to water. However, like a dance that goes on for too long, prolonged exposure to water can cause erosion, oxidation, and color fading in Citrine.

Citrine’s Hardness and Water Resistance

Consider Citrine as an experienced performer on the stage of water resistance. The Mohs hardness scale, the measuring stick for a mineral’s resistance to scratching, rates Citrine at a respectable seven. This means it can twirl and spin in the water without fear of scratching or damage.

Citrine’s durable nature contributes to its water-resistant properties. However, like any good dancer, Citrine knows when to step off the stage. Although Citrine can endure a brief exposure to rain, an extended encounter with a waterfall might diminish its shine.

Potential Risks of Prolonged Water Exposure

Just as a dancer is at risk of exhaustion from an overly lengthy dance, Citrine also faces risks from lengthy exposure to water. The graceful dance of Citrine and water can turn into a grueling marathon if the exposure is extended, leading to potential risks such as erosion, oxidation, and color fading.

Erosion is the gradual wearing away or breaking down of materials through the action of wind, water, or other natural forces. In the case of Citrine, prolonged exposure to water can lead to the formation of cracks or fractures in the stone. Therefore, even though Citrine loves a good dance in the rain, it’s best to keep the waltzing brief.

How to Cleanse Citrine Properly With Water?

Gentle cleansing of citrine with running water
Gentle cleansing of citrine with running water

Cleansing Citrine with water is a sacred ritual that can help the stone release any negative energy it has absorbed. However, the process requires careful handling and knowledge of the right methods to ensure the crystal’s safety and effectiveness when you cleanse citrine crystals.

When cleansing citrine with water, it’s vital to follow these guidelines:

  • Do not introduce any chemicals that could potentially harm the stone.
  • Avoid using hot water.
  • Use water that is free from chemicals.
  • Keep in mind the potential negative effects of extended water exposure on the crystal.

Here are the two most effective procedures to ready your Citrine for its grand appearance: the Running Water Method and Moon Water Cleansing.

Running Water Method

Imagine standing under a waterfall, feeling the water wash away the stress and tension of the day. This is what the Running Water Method does for your Citrine. Holding your Citrine under a stream of running water allows it to release any negativity it has absorbed.

Following the cleansing, it’s important to ensure drying. Like how you would dry yourself after a refreshing shower, Citrine should also be dried thoroughly after its cleansing. Leaving it to air dry naturally or gently patting it dry with a soft cloth will ensure that your Citrine is ready to shine brightly once again.

Moon Water Cleansing

Moon water cleansing is akin to dispatching your Citrine to a moonlit gala. As the moonlight dances on the water’s surface, the Citrine absorbs the moon’s powerful energy, recharging and purifying the crystal.

For the moon water cleansing, you’ll want to dress your Citrine in the moon’s silvery glow. Here’s how:

  1. Place your Citrine in a jar filled with pure water under the moonlight.
  2. Leave it there overnight to cleanse and recharge the crystal.
  3. But remember, after the ball is over, bring your Citrine inside before the sunrise to prevent any potential damage.

Drying Practices Post-Water Cleanse

After water cleansing, it’s essential to thoroughly dry your citrine to prevent any possible mineral accumulation or damage. It can be gently patted dry with a soft cloth or allowed to air dry naturally. If time is of the essence, a hairdryer can also be used for a quicker drying process.

However, irrespective of the chosen drying method, complete dryness before storage or use is important, as extended exposure to moisture can cause damage and a loss of shine in citrine.

How to Cleanse Citrine Without Water?

Citrine buried in soil for earth cleansing
Citrine buried in soil for earth cleansing

Cleansing Citrine doesn’t always necessitate a water dance. There are alternative cleansing methods that don’t involve water, which can be handy in times when water isn’t readily available or if you prefer a different cleansing ritual for your Citrine.

Consider these methods as diverse dance styles for your Citrine. Some may prefer the energetic salsa of incense or smudging, while others might opt for the slow and steady waltz of soil and sand cleansing. Let’s take a closer look at these two cleansing methods.

Using Incense or Smudging

The art of incense or smudging is akin to a captivating flamenco dance. As the smoke from the burning herbs swirls around the Citrine, it sweeps away any negative energy that the stone has absorbed, leaving it cleansed and refreshed.

This purification ritual is akin to a dance, with the smoke twirling around the Citrine to the rhythm of your intentions. And just like a dance, it should be done as often as you feel necessary to keep your Citrine shining brightly.

Soil and Sand Cleansing

The slow, steady rhythm of a waltz closely mirrors the soil and sand cleansing method for Citrine. By burying the Citrine in soil or sand, you allow the earth’s energy to slowly purify and recharge the crystal.

This method is especially beneficial for larger Citrine pieces. After a 24-hour dance with the earth, your Citrine will emerge cleansed and ready to shine. However, be sure to use soil or sand that is free of chemicals and pollutants to ensure a clean dance floor for your Citrine.

Earth Cleansing for Grounding Energy

Earth cleansing is an alternative method to water cleansing. This method involves burying citrine in the ground for a period, allowing it to be cleansed by the earth’s energy. This process fosters the crystal’s connection with Earth’s energy and its capability to absorb any negative or stagnant energy it may have accumulated.

Any natural soil can be used for earth cleansing of citrine. Burying a newly acquired citrine crystal in soil for at least a week for cleansing is recommended.

Lunar Energy Infusion with Moon Water

Moon water infusion is another alternative to water cleansing. This method involves filling a clean jar with pure water and placing citrine in the jar to infuse it with lunar energy. The process is believed to infuse the water with lunar energy, possibly assisting in the cleansing of negative emotions or promoting spiritual transformation.

Immersing citrine in moon water is considered safe and doesn’t harm the stone. For complete absorption of the lunar energy, immersing citrine in moon water for three days, particularly during a full moon phase, is recommended.

Citrine Care Tips and Precautions

Once the dance concludes, how do you ensure that your Citrine maintains its bright shine? Proper care and handling are key to maintaining the beauty and effectiveness of your Citrine.

Consider it as preserving the memory of a delightful dance. You wouldn’t want to forget the steps or lose the rhythm, would you? Similarly, you’ll want to remember these tips to avoid sunlight exposure and ensure safe storage and handling for your Citrine.

Avoiding Sunlight Exposure

While Citrine loves a good dance under the sun, prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause its vibrant color to fade. It’s like a beautiful painting left under the harsh sunlight for too long – the bright colors start to fade, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.

To maintain your Citrine’s vibrancy, akin to a dancer on the floor, store it in a cool, dark place. If it must be displayed under sunlight, ensure it’s only for brief periods. Remember, Citrine prefers the cool shade over the harsh sunlight.

Safe Storage and Handling

Storing your Citrine is akin to preserving a treasured dance costume. You wouldn’t want it to get damaged or lose its shine, would you? Similarly, storing your Citrine in a soft cloth or a sealed container can protect it from damage.

Just as a dancer would take care of their costume, handling your Citrine with care will ensure its longevity. Remember to keep it away from harsh chemicals and high temperatures, and your Citrine will continue to shine brightly for years to come.

Special Considerations for Citrine Jewelry

Citrine jewelry being cleaned with a soft cloth
Citrine jewelry being cleaned with a soft cloth

While the general care and maintenance of citrine are important, special considerations should be considered when handling citrine jewelry. Because it’s used in jewelry, citrine can frequently come into contact with elements that might compromise its integrity. Therefore, regular cleaning and certain precautionary measures are critical to maintain your citrine jewelry in its optimal condition.

From the type of water used for cleaning to the cleaning frequency, every aspect is crucial in preserving the beauty and energy of your citrine jewelry. Being mindful of when to remove your citrine jewelry to avoid potential damage is also important.

Routine Maintenance for Citrine Jewelry

Citrine jewelry needs regular upkeep to maintain its shine and energy. To preserve its beauty and sustain its positive energy, cleaning your citrine jewelry after each use or at least monthly is recommended.

To clean your citrine jewelry, you can:

  1. Use a mild soap-water mixture and immerse the jewelry in it, avoiding the use of strong detergents or harsh substances such as chlorine or bleach.
  2. After cleaning, it’s important to thoroughly rinse your citrine jewelry with clean, impurity-free water.
  3. Dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent spots.

When to Remove Citrine Jewelry

Knowing when to remove your citrine jewelry to avoid potential damage is also important. For instance, before participating in certain activities such as swimming or strenuous exercise, it’s advisable to remove your citrine jewelry to protect it from potential harm, such as chips and scratches that can result from chemical exposure or physical impact.

Chemicals in swimming pools, such as chlorine, and lotions and oils in the water can also negatively affect the stone’s appearance. Strenuous activities can cause scratches or chips on citrine jewelry due to contact with different surfaces or objects.

Addressing Common Concerns About Citrine and Water

Despite having all this information, many people still have common concerns about citrine and water. These include the safety of cleansing citrine bracelets in water and the impact of chlorinated and salt water on citrine. Addressing these concerns is important to ensure that you’re providing the best care for your citrine.

Ultimately, whether it’s a citrine bracelet or a loose citrine stone, understanding how to properly care for it is crucial to preserving its beauty and energy. So, these common concerns will be addressed to provide the answers you need.

Can Citrine Bracelets Be Cleansed in Water?

A common concern is whether citrine bracelets can be cleansed in water. The answer is yes, citrine bracelets can be cleansed in water, as long as appropriate precautions are taken to avoid damage. Here’s how to clean citrine bracelets:

  1. Use mild soap and warm water to clean the bracelet.
  2. Gently scrub the bracelet with a soft brush or cloth.
  3. Rinse the bracelet under a gentle water stream for a maximum of 2 minutes.
  4. Pat dry with a soft cloth.

By following these steps, you can safely clean your citrine bracelet without causing any damage.

After cleansing, drying the bracelet with a soft cloth is important and avoid using steam cleaning or exposing the citrine to heat.

The Impact of Chlorinated and Salt Water on Citrine

Another common concern is the impact of chlorinated and salt water on citrine. Extended exposure to chlorinated or salt water can harm citrine, so avoiding such exposure whenever possible is advisable. Also, immersing citrine in dry salt or saltwater isn’t recommended as it can over time, dull the shine and weaken the stone.

If citrine does come into contact with these types of water, thoroughly rinsing it with clean water and ensuring that it is completely dry before storing it is important, as citrine go in water can cause potential damage.

Enhancing Citrine’s Positive Energy Without Water

While water cleansing is a prevalent method for purifying citrine, citrine’s positive energy can be enhanced without using water. These methods include using sound vibrations, smudging, and cautious exposure to sunlight. Each of these methods offers its own unique set of benefits and can be a great alternative to water cleansing.

Some methods for cleansing citrine include:

  • Generating harmonious energies that dispel negativity using sound vibrations
  • Ridding citrine of any adverse energy by smudging it with sage, palo santo, or incense smoke
  • Cautiously charging citrine with sunlight, with certain precautions

These methods provide a distinct approach to cleanse citrine crystals, while also focusing on cleansing citrine.

Sound Vibrations and Smudging

Sound vibrations and smudging are two effective methods for cleansing citrine without using water. Here are the steps to cleanse citrine using sound vibrations:

  1. Obtain a singing bowl and a mallet.
  2. Rub the mallet around the rim of the singing bowl to create harmonious vibrations.
  3. Hold the citrine crystal near the singing bowl and allow the vibrations to pass through the crystal.
  4. Visualize the negative energies being dispelled from the crystal.
  5. Repeat this process for a few minutes to thoroughly cleanse the citrine.

Specific sound frequencies such as 639 Hz and 528 Hz are particularly effective for cleansing citrine.

On the other hand, smudging using the smoke from revered plants such as sage and palo santo is a highly effective way to cleanse citrine and rid it of any negative energy.

Harnessing Sunlight Carefully

Sunlight can cleanse and charge citrine crystals by infusing them with sun energy, thereby removing low energies and replenishing them with new energy. However, direct sunlight exposure can cause citrine crystals to fade over time, so it’s recommended to avoid extended sunlight exposure.

For effective recharging, exposing citrine to sunlight for an hour or two is recommended. The best time to expose citrine to sunlight is between 9 am and 3 pm, when the sun is at its peak.

Citrine Crystal Pairings and Water Use

Combining citrine with other crystals can amplify its energy and yield various benefits. However, when pairing citrine with other crystals for water cleansing, it’s important to ensure that the other crystals are safe for water and do not pose any risk of adverse chemical reactions with citrine. From the type of water used to the crystals chosen for pairing, every aspect is crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of the cleansing process.

Whether you’re pairing citrine with:

  • clear quartz
  • emerald
  • hematite
  • carnelian
  • amethyst
  • rose quartz

Or combining it with water for cleansing, it’s important to do so with care and understanding of each crystal’s properties and compatibilities.

Complementary Crystals for Citrine

Pairing citrine with crystals like:

  • clear quartz
  • rose quartz
  • amethyst
  • moonstone
  • labradorite
  • cinnabar
  • pearl
  • smoky quartz
  • carnelian

can amplify its energy and yield various benefits. These crystals complement citrine’s energy by promoting the opening of the solar plexus chakra, thereby fostering a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Additionally, clear quartz amplifies the manifestation properties of citrine, enhancing its energy. These pairings not only amplify the energy of citrine but also provide additional benefits like balance, grounding, manifestation, vitality, and creativity.

Avoiding Harmful Mixes in Water Cleansing

While citrine can be paired with many crystals, harmful mixes during water cleansing should be avoided. Certain crystals like Malachite, Pyrite, Selenite, Azurite, Hematite, and Carnelian (not safe in salt water) are not recommended to be mixed with citrine during water cleansing. Mixing citrine with incompatible crystals in water could result in physical discomfort or a feeling of lethargy and unease.

Therefore, choosing the right cleansing crystals for pairing with citrine and using safe and appropriate methods is crucial.

Citrine Elixirs and Crystal Infused Water

Citrine elixirs and crystal-infused water resemble the grand finale of a dance performance – they are the anticipated highlight for everyone. When Citrine is immersed in water, its energy infuses the water, creating a potent elixir that can be used for various purposes.

Crafting a Citrine elixir is akin to choreographing an exquisite dance. It requires the right steps, the right timing, and a lot of love and care. But remember, just as every dance performance requires safety precautions, so does the creation of Citrine elixirs and crystal-infused water.

Creating a Citrine Elixir

Creating a Citrine elixir is like choreographing a dance. You need to choose the right moves, the right music, and the right timing. In this case, the moves involve placing a cleansed Citrine crystal in water, the music is the peaceful environment you create, and the timing is the duration you leave the Citrine in the water.

Once the dance is over, it’s time for the curtain call. After the Citrine has soaked in the water, remove it and your Citrine elixir is ready to use. But remember, always consult with an expert before consuming any crystal elixir to ensure safety.

Safety Considerations and Expert Advice

Just as a dancer wouldn’t execute a risky move without appropriate guidance, one shouldn’t consume a Citrine elixir without expert advice. While Citrine is generally safe for making elixirs, it’s always best to consult with an expert before consuming any crystal-infused water.

When creating a Citrine elixir, use the indirect method, which involves placing the Citrine in a dry, sealed bowl and immersing the bowl in water. This way, you can dance with Citrine without taking unnecessary risks.

Citrine in Rituals and Spiritual Practices

Citrine isn’t merely a dance partner in the physical realm; it also accompanies you on your spiritual journey. Whether it’s chakra healing, meditation, or energy work, Citrine can enhance your spiritual practices with its calming and positive energy. Wearing a citrine bracelet can serve as a constant reminder of this powerful energy, and the presence of citrine crystals can further amplify its effects.

As a dancer connects with the music, so too can you connect with Citrine’s energy during your spiritual practices. Let’s explore how you can incorporate Citrine into your chakra healing and meditation practices.

Chakra Healing with Citrine

Citrine, exuding warm, radiant energy, is closely associated with the solar plexus chakra, the energy center regulating self-confidence and personal power. When Citrine dances with this chakra, it helps to balance and activate it, much like how a dancer can bring a lifeless stage to life with their vibrant performance.

Harnessing Citrine’s energy during chakra healing is like performing a beautifully choreographed dance. It brings balance, clears away negative energy, and encourages an outgoing attitude, effectively transforming your spiritual stage with its healing properties.

Incorporating Citrine into Meditation and Energy Work

Incorporating Citrine into your meditation and energy work is akin to inviting a skilled dancer to accompany you on stage. Its calming energy can enhance your meditation, bringing clarity and spiritual growth, much like how a dancer’s graceful moves can elevate a performance.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to meditation and energy work, dancing with Citrine can enhance your spiritual practice. Its uplifting and positive energy can help you hit the right notes in your spiritual dance.


As our exploration of the dance between Citrine and water comes to a close, we hope you’ve learned a few new steps. From understanding the safety of Citrine in water to learning how to properly cleanse and care for this radiant crystal, you’re now ready to tap into the power of Citrine with confidence.

Just like a memorable dance, Citrine’s interaction with water is a delicate balance of rhythm and flow. So, the next time you hold a piece of Citrine, remember its dance with water and let its energy guide you on your journey of spiritual growth and healing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Citrine In Water

Can I wash citrine in water?

You can clean citrine in water by soaking it in a bowl of clean water for a few hours or overnight, then rinsing it with running water. Additionally, citrine can be safely cleaned with warm, soapy water, though ultrasonic and steam cleaning are not recommended.

Is citrine crystal waterproof?

Citrine is relatively hard and able to withstand exposure to water without damage. It can be cleaned and charged with water, so it is safe to say that citrine is waterproof.

Can citrine go in sunlight?

It is not recommended to keep citrine in direct sunlight as it will fade within four hours, and natural wear over time will also cause it to lose its color.

What are the potential risks of prolonged exposure to water?

Prolonged exposure to water can cause erosion, oxidation and color fading in Citrine, leading to a decrease in its aesthetic value.

How can Citrine be cleansed with water?

Citrine can be cleansed with the Running Water Method or Moon Water Cleansing, both of which involve water.