Can Aquamarine Go in Water Safely? Essential Cleansing and Caring Tips

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Written By Reema

A passionate gemstone enthusiast and seasoned business strategist, I blend my love for crystals with practical business insights.

Yes, Aquamarine can go in water safely for a brief time, but prolonged soaking should be avoided. Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8 and must be handled with care to avoid damage or fading due to sunlight/heat. Aquamarine can promote emotional release and spiritual connection when used correctly. Those born under certain signs or with health conditions should consult a professional before wearing it.

Aquamarine, the enchanting blue-green gemstone, has captivated hearts and minds for centuries with its mesmerizing hues reminiscent of the sea’s depths. Its name, derived from the Latin words “aqua marinus,” meaning “water of the sea,” alludes to its strong connection to water. This connection raises the question: can aquamarine go in water safely? To answer this query and provide essential cleansing and caring tips, we invite you on an exciting journey exploring the world of aquamarine and its relationship with water.

Is Aquamarine Water Safe?

Yes, Aquamarine is water safe. With a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, aquamarine is a durable gemstone that can withstand short-term water exposure. You can safely submerge aquamarine in water for cleaning, but avoid prolonged exposure. Over time, extended water contact can deteriorate the gemstone’s polish, causing it to lose its shine and might even lead to rusting and yellowing due to iron particles reacting adversely.

While it is safe to expose aquamarine to water for brief periods, soaking the gemstone for extended periods is not recommended. Water molecules can cause damage, making the stone more fragile and susceptible to breakage. Despite the symbolic connection between aquamarine and water, remember that excessive contact with water can harm this attractive gemstone.

Aquamarine and Water: A Basic Overview

Aquamarine gemstone in water

Aquamarine is a variety of beryl, a mineral family that also includes emerald. Its captivating blue hue results from the presence of iron impurities in the mineral. This gemstone has been long associated with hope, happiness, and youth. However, prolonged submersion in water can cause salt molecules to penetrate the stone’s structure, potentially causing damage. Despite aquamarine not being soluble in water, it’s still important to handle it carefully to avoid potential harm.

Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively resistant to water. This gem’s enchanting blue hue and durability make it a popular choice for jewelry and healing purposes. However, caution should be taken when cleaning aquamarine, as ultrasonic and steam cleaners may damage the gemstone. The upcoming sections will elaborate on the composition of aquamarine and its relationship with water.

Aquamarine’s Composition and Mohs Hardness Scale

Aquamarine is a blue variety of beryl, with its color stemming from the presence of iron. The Mohs Hardness Scale, which measures a mineral’s resistance to scratching, ranks aquamarine at 7.5 to 8. This hardness makes aquamarine suitable for brief water exposure.

Nevertheless, caution is required, as prolonged water exposure may harm the gemstone.

Greenish-Blue Beauty: The Allure of Aquamarine

Aquamarine jewelry

The greenish-blue color of aquamarine is derived from two forms of iron: ferrous iron, which imparts the blue color, and ferric iron, which adds a slight green hue. Its captivating color and connection to water have made aquamarine a popular choice throughout history. Sailors, for instance, considered it a talisman and wore it to ensure a safe journey across the sea.

This gemstone’s allure continues to captivate individuals today, making it a beloved choice for jewelry and healing practices.

Can You Submerge Aquamarine in Water?

Yes, you can submerge aquamarine in water for cleaning purposes, but long-term exposure can cause damage. Submerging aquamarine in water for a short period is generally safe and will not significantly impact its color or clarity. However, prolonged exposure can lead to cracks and breakage in the long run. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise proper care when submerging aquamarine in water.

When it comes to cleaning aquamarine, gentle cleaning methods are recommended, such as warm soapy water and a soft cloth. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners should be avoided, as they may damage the gemstone. The upcoming sections will elaborate more on short-term water exposure and the hazards of extended exposure.

Short-Term Water Exposure

Aquamarine in lukewarm water

Short-term water exposure refers to when aquamarine is subjected to water for a brief period of time. While it may result in some surface dulling or damage, it is generally safe for the stone. Nevertheless, caution is still advised when exposing aquamarine to water for short periods and immersing it in water for longer durations should be avoided.

Following these guidelines will help maintain the beauty and integrity of your aquamarine gemstone.

What are the Dangers of Prolonged Water Exposure?

Prolonged water exposure can cause structural and physical damage to aquamarine. Water can infiltrate the stone’s crevices and widen them, making it more fragile and susceptible to breakage. Additionally, water can cause the gemstone’s polish to deteriorate, resulting in a dull appearance and compromising its aesthetics.

Moreover, iron particles in aquamarine can react adversely, causing the stone to take on a yellowish-brown or rusty hue due to the iron impurities present. To prevent these issues, ensure that you clean and dry the aquamarine jewelry after each use and store it in a dry place.

Aquamarine and Different Types of Water

Aquamarine reacts differently to various types of water, which can impact its appearance and durability.

The upcoming sections will elaborate more on how aquamarine interacts with saltwater, hot water, and moon water, as well as how water and salt molecules push their way through these different types of water.

Salt Water and Aquamarine

Aquamarine in saltwater

Saltwater can have corrosive effects on aquamarine. The presence of salt in water can potentially accelerate the corrosive process on the stone, causing damage over time. Furthermore, salt particles may penetrate the stone’s crevices, widening cracks and gradually deteriorating its structure, making it more fragile.

Consequently, it’s recommended to prevent prolonged exposure of aquamarine to saltwater.

Hot Water and Aquamarine

Exposing aquamarine to hot water is not recommended, as it may result in color fading and cracking. The heat can cause changes in the crystal structure, leading to cracks and fissures.

To maintain aquamarine’s color and integrity, clean it using lukewarm water.

Moon Water and Aquamarine

Moon water is water that has been charged or infused with the energy of the moon and is often used in spiritual and magical practices for its cleansing and healing properties. While no specific information is available on the interaction between moon water and aquamarine, it is safe to assume that moon water can be utilized for recharging aquamarine without causing harm, as it is a gentle and natural method. However, prolonged exposure to sunlight should still be avoided to prevent color fading.

How to Cleanse Aquamarine?

To cleanse aquamarine, gentle methods should be employed to avoid damage and maintain its beauty. The upcoming sections will elaborate more on the appropriate cleaning methods for aquamarine and which cleaning techniques should be avoided.

Gentle Cleaning Methods

To clean aquamarine, use lukewarm water and mild soap, avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive materials. A soft cloth can be used to gently dry the gemstone after cleaning.

Applying these gentle techniques will help maintain the beauty and durability of your aquamarine jewelry.

Avoiding Ultrasonic and Steam Cleaners

Ultrasonic and steam cleaners should not be used for cleaning aquamarine, as they can cause damage. These cleaning methods use high heat and pressure, which may result in cracking or breaking the gemstone.

To maintain the optimal appearance of your aquamarine, use the gentle cleaning methods mentioned above.

Aquamarine’s Healing Properties and Connection to Water

Aquamarine is associated with water, and its healing properties are particularly beneficial for the throat chakra and emotional release. In metaphysical beliefs, aquamarine is connected to water, representing the flow of emotions, intuition, and spirituality.

The upcoming sections will provide more information on aquamarine’s healing properties and its connection to water.

Throat Chakra and Emotional Release

The aquamarine crystal is a potent tool for activating the throat chakra, promoting clear communication and self-expression. It helps to facilitate emotional healing by fostering a tranquil state of mind and dispelling negative feelings.

Balancing the throat chakra with aquamarine promotes enhanced communication, self-expression, and a heightened sense of wellbeing.

Aquamarine Water Infusion

Aquamarine-infused water

Infusing water with aquamarine can provide healing benefits and cleanse the environment. To create aquamarine water, simply submerge a high-quality aquamarine stone in a container of water for 2-4 hours. Consuming this infused water can promote youthfulness, vitality, and overall health.

Aquamarine water also possesses soothing and nurturing vibrations, which can help restore balance to various aspects of life.

Know More About Aquamarine

This section will address more questions and concerns about aquamarine, its properties, care, and potential issues. The upcoming sections will provide detailed information on:

  • Cleaning aquamarine rings
  • The hardness of aquamarine
  • Who should avoid wearing it
  • Its rarity
  • Durability
  • Its susceptibility to fading in sunlight and scratching.

How to Clean Aquamarine Ring?

To clean an aquamarine ring, follow these steps:

  1. Use a few drops of mild dish soap mixed with warm water.
  2. Soak the ring in this solution.
  3. Gently scrub the ring with a soft toothbrush to remove dirt and grime.
  4. Rinse the ring with lukewarm water.
  5. Pat it dry gently with a soft cloth.

Following these steps will help maintain the beauty and integrity of your aquamarine ring.

How Hard is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, as measured by the standard hardness scale. This makes it a relatively hard gemstone when compared to other gemstones such as lapis lazuli, which has a hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Aquamarine’s hardness contributes to its durability and resistance to scratching, making it suitable for short-term water exposure.

Who Should Not Wear Aquamarine Stone?

Individuals born under the zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn should refrain from wearing aquamarine, as it may not be compatible with their energies. Additionally, Scorpios should also avoid wearing aquamarine. Those with certain health conditions or allergies should consult a professional before wearing aquamarine jewelry.

You should be mindful of any potential side effects or negative reactions when wearing this gemstone.

Is Aquamarine Rare?

While aquamarine is not considered rare, high-quality specimens can be quite valuable. Factors such as:

  • color
  • clarity
  • cut
  • carat weight

contribute to the rarity and value of aquamarine gemstones. Fine aquamarine with intense color and high clarity is considered rare and expensive, while larger gems with intense, dark color are also more likely to be rare.

Is Aquamarine Durable?

Yes, Aquamarine stones are durable or resilient gemstones with a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. Their durability makes them suitable for regular usage, but care should be taken to avoid damage from prolonged water exposure or harsh cleaning methods.

Storing aquamarine separately from other jewelry and using gentle cleaning methods can help maintain its durability and beauty.

Does Aquamarine Fade In Sunlight?

Yes, Aquamarine can fade in sunlight, particularly if it has been heat-treated to increase its color intensity. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays can have a detrimental effect on aquamarine. Over time, its beautiful blue color may fade and transform to white..

Store aquamarine jewelry away from direct sunlight and heat, preferably wrapped in a soft cotton cloth or stored in a velvet-lined box, to prevent fading.

Does Aquamarine Scratch Easily?

Yes, Aquamarine can scratch easily if it comes into contact with harder gemstones or surfaces even though it has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. To prevent scratching, store aquamarine jewelry separately from other jewelry in a cloth bag or a velvet-lined box.

Handle and clean aquamarine with care to prevent damage and maintain its beauty. Avoid using the soak aquamarine method, as it may cause harm to the gemstone.


In conclusion, aquamarine is a fascinating gemstone with a strong connection to water, making it a popular choice for both jewelry and healing purposes. While it can safely be exposed to water for short periods, prolonged exposure should be avoided to prevent damage. By using gentle cleaning methods and storing aquamarine away from direct sunlight, you can maintain its beauty and durability for years to come. Embrace the allure of aquamarine and explore its healing properties to enrich your life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Aquamarine In Water

How long can aquamarine go in water?

Aquamarine can safely remain in water for up to 24 to 48 hours, but exceeding this time may risk damaging its appearance.

What can damage aquamarine?

Aquamarine is susceptible to damage from harsh products containing alcohol and ammonia, as well as abrasive materials and hard jewelry. It should also be kept away from heat and hydrofluoric acid. Warm soapy water is recommended for safe cleaning.

Can I wear aquamarine everyday?

Yes, you can safely wear aquamarine every day since it is a relatively hard stone and rates 7.5-8 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Can aquamarines go in sunlight?

Yes, Aquamarines can go in Sunlight. Aquamarines are stable under all light sources, including sunlight, but Maxixe aquamarines (irradiated blue beryls) may fade over time when exposed to direct light. It is best to store aquamarines in a cool, dry setting such as a jewelry box in an air conditioned room during summer.

Can aquamarine be washed in water?

Yes, aquamarine can be washed in warm soapy water. Cleaning by ultrasonic and steam cleaners is usually safe unless the stone has liquid inclusions or fractures; however, if the gem is fracture filled, it should only be cleaned with warm soapy water.